Class BidirectionalPolicy

  • public class BidirectionalPolicy
    extends Object

    Purpose: Provides a means to configure bidirectional relationship maintenance for OXM mappings. ant

    • Constructor Detail

      • BidirectionalPolicy

        public BidirectionalPolicy()
    • Method Detail

      • setBidirectionalTargetAccessor

        public void setBidirectionalTargetAccessor​(AttributeAccessor anAttributeAccessor)
        Sets the AttributeAccessor that is used to get and set the value of the container on the target object.
        anAttributeAccessor - - the accessor to be used.
      • setBidirectionalTargetAttributeName

        public void setBidirectionalTargetAttributeName​(String attributeName)
        Sets the name of the backpointer attribute on the target object. Used to populate the backpointer. If the specified attribute doesn't exist on the reference class of this mapping, a DescriptorException will be thrown during initialize.
        attributeName - - the name of the backpointer attribute to be populated
      • getBidirectionalTargetAttributeName

        public String getBidirectionalTargetAttributeName()
        Gets the name of the backpointer attribute on the target object. Used to populate the backpointer.
      • setBidirectionalTargetGetMethodName

        public void setBidirectionalTargetGetMethodName​(String methodName)
        Sets the method name to be used when accessing the value of the back pointer on the target object of this mapping. If the specified method doesn't exist on the reference class of this mapping, a DescriptorException will be thrown during initialize.
        methodName - - the getter method to be used.
      • setBidirectionalTargetSetMethodName

        public void setBidirectionalTargetSetMethodName​(String methodName)
        Sets the name of the method to be used when setting the value of the back pointer on the target object of this mapping. If the specified method doesn't exist on the reference class of this mapping, a DescriptorException will be thrown during initialize.
        methodName - - the setter method to be used.
      • getBidirectionalTargetGetMethodName

        public String getBidirectionalTargetGetMethodName()
        Gets the name of the method to be used when accessing the value of the back pointer on the target object of this mapping.
      • getBidirectionalTargetSetMethodName

        public String getBidirectionalTargetSetMethodName()
        Gets the name of the method to be used when setting the value of the back pointer on the target object of this mapping.
      • getBidirectionalTargetContainerPolicy

        public ContainerPolicy getBidirectionalTargetContainerPolicy()
      • setBidirectionalTargetContainerPolicy

        public void setBidirectionalTargetContainerPolicy​(ContainerPolicy cp)
      • setBidirectionalTargetContainerClass

        public void setBidirectionalTargetContainerClass​(Class cls)
      • getBidirectionalTargetAccessor

        public AttributeAccessor getBidirectionalTargetAccessor()
        Gets the AttributeAccessor that is used to get and set the value of the container on the target object.