Class XMLListConverter

    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLListConverter

        public XMLListConverter()
    • Method Detail

      • isMutable

        public boolean isMutable()
        Description copied from interface: Converter
        PUBLIC: If the converter converts the value to a mutable value, i.e. a value that can have its' parts changed without being replaced, then it must return true. If the value is not mutable, cannot be changed without replacing the whole value then false must be returned. This is used within the UnitOfWork to determine how to clone.
        Specified by:
        isMutable in interface Converter
      • getObjectClassName

        public String getObjectClassName()
        Get the Class name of the elements of this collection's "sub-collection". Only applicable for DirectCollections of Lists (for example, for an ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>, FieldSubElementClassName would be "java.lang.Double").
        String the name of the Class of the elements of this collection's "sub-collection"
      • setObjectClassName

        public void setObjectClassName​(String aClassName)
        Set the Class name of the elements of this collection's "sub-collection". Only applicable for DirectCollections of Lists (for example, for an ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>, FieldSubElementClassName would be "java.lang.Double").
        aClassName - the name of the Class of the elements of this collection's "sub-collection"
      • getObjectClass

        public Class getObjectClass()
        Get the Class of the elements of this collection's "sub-collection". Only applicable for DirectCollections of Lists (for example, for an ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>, FieldSubElementClass would be java.lang.Double.class).
        Class the Class of the elements of this collection's "sub-collection"
      • setObjectClass

        public void setObjectClass​(Class aClass)
        Set the Class of the elements of this collection's "sub-collection". Only applicable for DirectCollections of Lists (for example, for an ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>, FieldSubElementClass would be java.lang.Double.class).
        aClass - the Class of the elements of this collection's "sub-collection"