Class StandardSequence

    • Constructor Detail

      • StandardSequence

        public StandardSequence()
      • StandardSequence

        public StandardSequence​(String name)
      • StandardSequence

        public StandardSequence​(String name,
                                int size)
      • StandardSequence

        public StandardSequence​(String name,
                                int size,
                                int initialValue)
    • Method Detail

      • onConnect

        public void onConnect()
        Description copied from class: Sequence
        INTERNAL: This method is called when Sequencing object is created. If it requires initialization, subclass should override this method.
        Specified by:
        onConnect in class Sequence
      • onDisconnect

        public void onDisconnect()
        Description copied from class: Sequence
        INTERNAL: This method is called when Sequencing object is destroyed. If it requires deinitialization, subclass should override this method.
        Specified by:
        onDisconnect in class Sequence
      • shouldAcquireValueAfterInsert

        public abstract boolean shouldAcquireValueAfterInsert()
        Description copied from class: Sequence
        INTERNAL: Indicates whether sequencing value should be acquired after INSERT. Note that preallocation could be used only in case sequencing values should be acquired before insert (this method returns false). In default implementation, it is true for table sequencing and native sequencing on Oracle platform, false for native sequencing on other platforms.
        Specified by:
        shouldAcquireValueAfterInsert in class Sequence
      • shouldUseTransaction

        public abstract boolean shouldUseTransaction()
        Description copied from class: Sequence
        INTERNAL: Indicates whether TopLink should internally call beginTransaction() before getGeneratedValue/Vector, and commitTransaction after. In default implementation, it is true for table sequencing and false for native sequencing.
        Specified by:
        shouldUseTransaction in class Sequence
      • getGeneratedValue

        public Object getGeneratedValue​(Accessor accessor,
                                        AbstractSession writeSession,
                                        String seqName)
        Description copied from class: Sequence
        INTERNAL: Return the newly-generated sequencing value. Used only in case preallocation is not used (shouldUsePreallocation()==false). Accessor may be non-null only in case shouldUseSeparateConnection()==true. Even in this case accessor could be null - if SequencingControl().shouldUseSeparateConnection()==false; Therefore in case shouldUseSeparateConnection()==true, implementation should handle both cases: use a separate connection if provided (accessor != null), or get by without it (accessor == null).
        Specified by:
        getGeneratedValue in class Sequence
        accessor - Accessor is a separate sequencing accessor (may be null);
        writeSession - Session is a Session used for writing (either ClientSession or DatabaseSession);
        seqName - String is sequencing number field name
      • getGeneratedVector

        public Vector getGeneratedVector​(Accessor accessor,
                                         AbstractSession writeSession,
                                         String seqName,
                                         int size)
        Description copied from class: Sequence
        INTERNAL: Return a Vector of newly-generated sequencing values. Used only in case preallocation is used (shouldUsePreallocation()==true). Accessor may be non-null only in case shouldUseSeparateConnection()==true. Even in this case accessor could be null - if SequencingControl().shouldUseSeparateConnection()==false; Therefore in case shouldUseSeparateConnection()==true, implementation should handle both cases: use a separate connection if provided (accessor != null), or get by without it (accessor == null).
        Specified by:
        getGeneratedVector in class Sequence
        accessor - Accessor is a separate sequencing accessor (may be null);
        writeSession - Session is a Session used for writing (either ClientSession or DatabaseSession);
        seqName - String is sequencing number field name
        size - int number of values to preallocate (output Vector size).
      • createVector

        protected Vector createVector​(Number sequence,
                                      String seqName,
                                      int size)
        INTERNAL: given sequence = 10, size = 5 will create Vector (6,7,8,9,10)
        seqName - String is sequencing number field name
        size - int size of Vector to create.
      • createVectorAtNextVal

        protected Vector createVectorAtNextVal​(Number sequence,
                                               String seqName,
                                               int size)
        INTERNAL: given sequence = 10, size = 5 will create Vector (10,11,12,13,14)
        seqName - String is sequencing number field name
        size - int size of Vector to create.
      • setInitialValue

        public void setInitialValue​(int initialValue)
        setInitialValue in class Sequence