Class RemoteCommandManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RemoteCommandManager
    extends Object
    implements CommandManager

    Purpose: Provide a CommandManager implementation for cache coordination.

    Description: A RemoteCommandManager (or RCM) instance is the primary component of an RCM service instance. It manages the other components of the service, and directs the overall service operation. Its ServiceId uniquely distinguishes it from other service instances in the cluster.

    Each RCM has a logical channel to which it subscribes and publishes. This channel determines which other instances in the cluster the service instance sends and receives remote commands to/from. All RCM's on the same channel should have the same discovery manager settings (be communicating on the same multicast) so that the discovery managers may be able to discover one another. RCM's on different channels may operate on the same or on different multicast groups.

    An RCM instance knows about other instances in the cluster through its DiscoveryManager. Its TransportManager is responsible for setting up the connections to other instances once they are discovered.

    An RCM is instructed to "propagate", or execute on all remote service instances in the cluster that subscribe to the same channel, a remote command by its CommandProcessor. Likewise, when an RCM receives a remote command to be executed then it passes the command off to the CommandProcessor for the processing of the command to occur. CommandProcessors pass commands to the RCM as an Object (in a format that may be specific to the application) and the RCM uses its CommandConverter to convert it to a EclipseLink Command object before sending the Command off to the cluster. Similarly, when a EclipseLink Command object is received then the RCM invokes its CommandConverter to convert the object into the application format that will be passed to the CommandProcessor to process the command.

    OracleAS TopLink 10g (9.0.4)
    Steven Vo
    See Also:
    CommandManager, Command, CommandProcessor, CommandConverter, DiscoveryManager
    • Field Detail


        public static final boolean DEFAULT_ASYNCHRONOUS_MODE
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • serviceId

        protected ServiceId serviceId
        Uniquely identifies this service in the cluster
      • discoveryManager

        protected DiscoveryManager discoveryManager
        Manages the detection of new services as they join the cluster
      • transportManager

        protected TransportManager transportManager
        Manages the transport level connections between command managers
      • commandProcessor

        protected CommandProcessor commandProcessor
        Invoked to process a command when it is received from the cluster
      • commandConverter

        protected CommandConverter commandConverter
        Used for converting commands between EclipseLink Command and app command formats
      • isAsynchronous

        protected boolean isAsynchronous
        Determines whether propagation should be synchronous or asynchronous
      • isEclipseLinkSession

        protected boolean isEclipseLinkSession
        Determines whether profiling command should be send
      • serverPlatform

        protected ServerPlatform serverPlatform
        Uniquely identifies ServerPlatform in the cluster
      • serializer

        protected Serializer serializer
        Set the Serializer to use for serialization of commands.
      • isStopped

        protected boolean isStopped
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public void initialize()
        PUBLIC: Initialize the remote command manager. This will also trigger the DiscoveryManager to start establishing the EclipseLink cluster.
        Specified by:
        initialize in interface CommandManager
      • isStopped

        public boolean isStopped()
        PUBLIC: Indicates whether the RCM has been stopped: either initialize hasn't been called or shutdown has been called.
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
        PUBLIC: Shut down the remote command manager. This will also trigger the DiscoveryManager to stop. NOTE: Although this call initiates the shutdown process, no guarantees are made as to when it will actually complete.
        Specified by:
        shutdown in interface CommandManager
      • propagateCommand

        public void propagateCommand​(Object command)
        ADVANCED: Propagate a remote command to all remote RCM services participating in the EclipseLink cluster.
        Specified by:
        propagateCommand in interface CommandManager
        command - An object representing a EclipseLink command
      • processCommandFromRemoteConnection

        public void processCommandFromRemoteConnection​(byte[] commandBytes)
        INTERNAL: Deserialize the command and execute it.
      • processCommandFromRemoteConnection

        public void processCommandFromRemoteConnection​(Command command)
        INTERNAL: Delegate to command processor
      • getCommandProcessor

        public CommandProcessor getCommandProcessor()
        Description copied from interface: CommandManager
        PUBLIC: Return the command processor that processes commands received from the cluster.
        Specified by:
        getCommandProcessor in interface CommandManager
        An implementation instance of CommandProcessor
      • setCommandProcessor

        public void setCommandProcessor​(CommandProcessor newCommandProcessor)
        Description copied from interface: CommandManager
        ADVANCED: Set the command processor that will be invoked to process commands. EclipseLink applications can implement this interface in order to receive remote commands from a EclipseLink cluster.
        Specified by:
        setCommandProcessor in interface CommandManager
        newCommandProcessor - The intended processor of remote commands
      • getTransportManager

        public TransportManager getTransportManager()
        Description copied from interface: CommandManager
        PUBLIC: Return the transport manager that manages sending and receiving of remote commands.
        Specified by:
        getTransportManager in interface CommandManager
        The TransportManager instance being used by this CommandManager
      • setTransportManager

        public void setTransportManager​(TransportManager newTransportManager)
        Description copied from interface: CommandManager
        ADVANCED: Set a specific transport manager to manage sending and receiving of remote commands.
        Specified by:
        setTransportManager in interface CommandManager
        newTransportManager - An instance of the desired transport manager type
      • handleException

        public void handleException​(RuntimeException exception)
        INTERNAL: Delegate to the command procesor to handle the exception.
      • newServiceDiscovered

        public void newServiceDiscovered​(ServiceId service)
        INTERNAL: A new service has been detected by the discovery manager. Take the appropriate action to connect to the service.
      • getDiscoveryManager

        public DiscoveryManager getDiscoveryManager()
        PUBLIC: Return the discovery manager that detects the arrival of new cluster members
        Specified by:
        getDiscoveryManager in interface CommandManager
        The DiscoveryManager instance being used by this CommandManager
      • getCommandConverter

        public CommandConverter getCommandConverter()
        PUBLIC: Return the converter instance used to convert between EclipseLink Command objects and an application command format.
        Specified by:
        getCommandConverter in interface CommandManager
        The converter being used by this CommandManager
      • setCommandConverter

        public void setCommandConverter​(CommandConverter newCommandConverter)
        ADVANCED: Set the converter instance that will be invoked by this CommandProcessor to convert commands from their application command format into EclipseLink Command objects before being propagated to remote command manager services. The converter will also be invoked to convert EclipseLink Command objects into application format before being sent to the CommandProcessor for execution.
        Specified by:
        setCommandConverter in interface CommandManager
        newCommandConverter - The converter to be used by this CommandManager
      • shouldLogMessage

        public boolean shouldLogMessage​(int logLevel)
      • shouldLogDebugMessage

        public boolean shouldLogDebugMessage()
      • shouldLogWarningMessage

        public boolean shouldLogWarningMessage()
      • logMessage

        public void logMessage​(int logLevel,
                               String message,
                               Object[] args)
      • logMessageWithoutLevelCheck

        public void logMessageWithoutLevelCheck​(int logLevel,
                                                String message,
                                                Object[] args)
        INTERNAL: Use this method in case the necessary logLevel has been confirmed by calling commandProcessor.shouldLogMessages method
      • logDebug

        public void logDebug​(String message,
                             Object[] args)
        INTERNAL: Convenience logging methods.
      • logDebugWithoutLevelCheck

        public void logDebugWithoutLevelCheck​(String message,
                                              Object[] args)
      • logInfo

        public void logInfo​(String message,
                            Object[] args)
      • logWarning

        public void logWarning​(String message,
                               Object[] args)
      • logWarningWithoutLevelCheck

        public void logWarningWithoutLevelCheck​(String message,
                                                Object[] args)
      • logError

        public void logError​(String message,
                             Object[] args)
      • getServiceId

        public ServiceId getServiceId()
        INTERNAL: Return the service info that identifies this service instance
      • getChannel

        public String getChannel()
        PUBLIC: Return the service channel for this command manager. All command managers with the same service channel will send and receive commands from each other. Commands sent on other service channels will not be exchanged with this command manager.
        Specified by:
        getChannel in interface CommandManager
        The service channel String subscribed to by this CommandManager
      • setChannel

        public void setChannel​(String channel)
        ADVANCED: Set the service channel for this command manager. All command managers with the same service channel will send and receive commands from each other. Commands sent on other service channels will not be exchanged with this command manager.
        Specified by:
        setChannel in interface CommandManager
        channel - The service channel subscribed to by this CommandManager
      • isCommandProcessorASession

        public boolean isCommandProcessorASession()
        INTERNAL: Return whether this command manager should process profile commands
        Specified by:
        isCommandProcessorASession in interface CommandManager
      • getUrl

        public String getUrl()
        PUBLIC: Return the URL for this command manager.
        Specified by:
        getUrl in interface CommandManager
        The URL String for this CommandManager
      • setUrl

        public void setUrl​(String url)
        ADVANCED: Set the URL for this command manager.
        Specified by:
        setUrl in interface CommandManager
        url - The URL String for this CommandManager
      • shouldPropagateAsynchronously

        public boolean shouldPropagateAsynchronously()
        PUBLIC: Return whether this command manager should propagate commands synchronously or asynchronously. If set to synchronous propagation then propagateCommand() will not return to the caller until the command has been executed on all of the services in the cluster. In asynchronous mode the command manager will create a separate thread for each of the remote service executions, and then promptly return to the caller.
        Specified by:
        shouldPropagateAsynchronously in interface CommandManager
      • setShouldPropagateAsynchronously

        public void setShouldPropagateAsynchronously​(boolean asyncMode)
        ADVANCED: Set whether this command manager should propagate commands synchronously or asynchronously. If set to synchronous propagation then propagateCommand() will not return to the caller until the command has been executed on all of the services in the cluster. In asynchronous mode the command manager will create a separate thread for each of the remote service executions, and then promptly return to the caller.
        Specified by:
        setShouldPropagateAsynchronously in interface CommandManager
      • replaceLocalHostIPAddress

        public void replaceLocalHostIPAddress​(String ipAddress)
        ADVANCED: Allow user to replace the $HOST subString of the local host URL with the user user input at runtime. By default, EclipseLink will try to discovery the local host IP and may fail due to security or network restrictions. In this case, user can call this API to specify the IP address or host name during pre-login session event or before session login. Example: If input is, the local host URL of ormi://$HOST:2971:/app_name will become ormi://
      • replaceTransportPortNumber

        public void replaceTransportPortNumber​(String portNumber)
        ADVANCED: Allow user to replace the $PORT subString of the local host URL with the user user input at runtime. In this case, user can call this API to specify the port number for a specific transport during pre-login session event or before session login. Example: If input is 7799, the local host URL of ormi://$PORT/app_name will become ormi://
      • getServerPlatform

        public ServerPlatform getServerPlatform()
        INTERNAL: Return the serverPlatform that identifies the application server
      • setServerPlatform

        public void setServerPlatform​(ServerPlatform theServerPlatform)
        PUBLIC: The ServerPlatform must be set manually when the RemoteCommandManager'CommandProcessor is not EclipseLink Session. When the CommandProcessor is a EclipseLink Session, the ServerPlatform is automatically gotten from the Session.
      • getSerializer

        public Serializer getSerializer()
        PUBLIC: Return the Serializer to use for serialization of commands.
      • setSerializer

        public void setSerializer​(Serializer serializer)
        PUBLIC: Set the Serializer to use for serialization of commands.