Class ConnectionPolicy

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  ConnectionPolicy.ExclusiveMode
      Default value Transactional causes creation of ClientSession, the other two values - ExclusiveIsolatedClientSession.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected ConnectionPolicy.ExclusiveMode exclusiveMode
      This attribute is used by the ServerSession to determine if a client session with an exclusive connection should be built and how the exclusive connection should be used.
      protected boolean isLazy
      Determines if the write/exclusive connection is acquired only when first requested (lazy, this is the default) or immediately when the client session is acquired.
      protected Login login
      The login information used to create a JDBC connection or acquire one from an external pool/data-source.
      protected String poolName
      Name of the pool to be used.
      protected Map properties
      This attribute will provide a mechanism by which customers will be able to pass connection information to events to enable further customization.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      PUBLIC: A connection policy is used to define how the client session connection should be acquired.
      ConnectionPolicy​(String poolName)
      PUBLIC: A connection policy is used to define how the client session connection should be acquired.
      ConnectionPolicy​(Login login)
      PUBLIC: A connection policy is used to define how the client session connection should be acquired.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Object clone()
      INTERNAL: Clone the query
      void dontUseLazyConnection()
      PUBLIC: A lazy connection only acquires a physical connection when a transaction is started and releases the connection when the transaction completes.
      ConnectionPolicy.ExclusiveMode getExclusiveMode()
      PUBLIC: Returns exclusive mode.
      Login getLogin()
      PUBLIC: Return the login to use for this connection.
      String getPoolName()
      PUBLIC: Return the pool name or null if not part of a pool.
      Map getProperties()
      ADVANCED: This method will return the collection of custom properties set on the Connection policy.
      Object getProperty​(Object object)
      PUBLIC: Returns the property associated with the corresponding key.
      boolean hasLogin()
      PUBLIC: Return if a login is used, only one of login and pool can be used.
      boolean hasProperties()
      PUBLIC: Returns true if properties are available on the Connection Policy
      boolean isExclusive()
      PUBLIC: Indicates whether ExclusiveIsolatedClientSession should be created.
      boolean isExclusiveAlways()
      PUBLIC: Indicates whether exclusiveMode is Always.
      boolean isExclusiveIsolated()
      PUBLIC: Indicates whether exclusiveMode is Isolated.
      boolean isLazy()
      PUBLIC: Return if a lazy connection should be used, a lazy connection only acquire a physical connection when a transaction is started and releases the connection when the transaction completes.
      boolean isPooled()
      INTERNAL: Return if part of a connection pool.
      boolean isUserDefinedConnection()
      INTERNAL: Return if part of a connection pool.
      Object removeProperty​(Object key)
      PUBLIC: This method is used to remove a custom property from the Connection Policy.
      void setExclusiveMode​(ConnectionPolicy.ExclusiveMode exclusiveMode)
      PUBLIC: Sets exclusive mode, if null is passed sets the default value.
      void setIsLazy​(boolean isLazy)
      PUBLIC: Set if a lazy connection should be used, a lazy connection only acquire a physical connection when a transaction is started and releases the connection when the transaction completes.
      void setLogin​(Login login)
      PUBLIC: Set the login to use for this connection.
      void setPoolName​(String poolName)
      PUBLIC: Set the pool name or null if not part of a pool.
      void setProperty​(Object key, Object property)
      PUBLIC: Use this method to set custom properties on the Connection Policy.
      String toString()
      INTERNAL: return a string representation of this ConnectionPolicy
      void useLazyConnection()
      PUBLIC: A lazy connection only acquires a physical connection when a transaction is started and releases the connection when the transaction completes.
    • Field Detail

      • login

        protected Login login
        The login information used to create a JDBC connection or acquire one from an external pool/data-source. Typically this is constant within a single persistence unit but in some advanced usages users can customize connections for each client session.
      • poolName

        protected String poolName
        Name of the pool to be used. If neither pool name nor login provided then default pool will be used. If no pool name is provided but there's a login then the login is used to create connection which the ClientSession will use.
      • isLazy

        protected boolean isLazy
        Determines if the write/exclusive connection is acquired only when first requested (lazy, this is the default) or immediately when the client session is acquired. After write/exclusive connection is acquired if isLazy is true and exclusiveMode is Transactional then it's held until transaction is committed or rolled back, otherwise until the client session is released.
      • exclusiveMode

        protected ConnectionPolicy.ExclusiveMode exclusiveMode
        This attribute is used by the ServerSession to determine if a client session with an exclusive connection should be built and how the exclusive connection should be used.
      • properties

        protected Map properties
        This attribute will provide a mechanism by which customers will be able to pass connection information to events to enable further customization.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConnectionPolicy

        public ConnectionPolicy()
        PUBLIC: A connection policy is used to define how the client session connection should be acquired.
      • ConnectionPolicy

        public ConnectionPolicy​(String poolName)
        PUBLIC: A connection policy is used to define how the client session connection should be acquired.
      • ConnectionPolicy

        public ConnectionPolicy​(Login login)
        PUBLIC: A connection policy is used to define how the client session connection should be acquired.
    • Method Detail

      • clone

        public Object clone()
        INTERNAL: Clone the query
        clone in class Object
      • dontUseLazyConnection

        public void dontUseLazyConnection()
        PUBLIC: A lazy connection only acquires a physical connection when a transaction is started and releases the connection when the transaction completes.
      • getLogin

        public Login getLogin()
        PUBLIC: Return the login to use for this connection. Client sessions support using a separate user login for database modification.
      • getPoolName

        public String getPoolName()
        PUBLIC: Return the pool name or null if not part of a pool.
      • getProperties

        public Map getProperties()
        ADVANCED: This method will return the collection of custom properties set on the Connection policy. Note that this will cause the lazy initialization of the HashMap.
      • getProperty

        public Object getProperty​(Object object)
        PUBLIC: Returns the property associated with the corresponding key. These properties will be available to connection events.
      • hasLogin

        public boolean hasLogin()
        PUBLIC: Return if a login is used, only one of login and pool can be used.
      • hasProperties

        public boolean hasProperties()
        PUBLIC: Returns true if properties are available on the Connection Policy
      • isExclusiveIsolated

        public boolean isExclusiveIsolated()
        PUBLIC: Indicates whether exclusiveMode is Isolated.
      • isExclusiveAlways

        public boolean isExclusiveAlways()
        PUBLIC: Indicates whether exclusiveMode is Always.
      • isExclusive

        public boolean isExclusive()
        PUBLIC: Indicates whether ExclusiveIsolatedClientSession should be created.
      • isLazy

        public boolean isLazy()
        PUBLIC: Return if a lazy connection should be used, a lazy connection only acquire a physical connection when a transaction is started and releases the connection when the transaction completes.
      • isPooled

        public boolean isPooled()
        INTERNAL: Return if part of a connection pool.
      • isUserDefinedConnection

        public boolean isUserDefinedConnection()
        INTERNAL: Return if part of a connection pool.
      • removeProperty

        public Object removeProperty​(Object key)
        PUBLIC: This method is used to remove a custom property from the Connection Policy. This method will return the propery removed. If it was not found then null will be returned.
      • setIsLazy

        public void setIsLazy​(boolean isLazy)
        PUBLIC: Set if a lazy connection should be used, a lazy connection only acquire a physical connection when a transaction is started and releases the connection when the transaction completes.
      • setLogin

        public void setLogin​(Login login)
        PUBLIC: Set the login to use for this connection. Client sessions support using a separate user login for database modification. Pooled connections must use the pool's login and cannot define their own.
      • setPoolName

        public void setPoolName​(String poolName)
        PUBLIC: Set the pool name or null if not part of a pool.
      • setProperty

        public void setProperty​(Object key,
                                Object property)
        PUBLIC: Use this method to set custom properties on the Connection Policy. These properties will be available from within connection events but have no effect on the connection directly.
      • setExclusiveMode

        public void setExclusiveMode​(ConnectionPolicy.ExclusiveMode exclusiveMode)
        PUBLIC: Sets exclusive mode, if null is passed sets the default value.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        INTERNAL: return a string representation of this ConnectionPolicy
        toString in class Object
      • useLazyConnection

        public void useLazyConnection()
        PUBLIC: A lazy connection only acquires a physical connection when a transaction is started and releases the connection when the transaction completes.