Annotation Type ObjectTypeConverter

  • @Target({TYPE,METHOD,FIELD})
    public @interface ObjectTypeConverter
    The ObjectTypeConverter annotation is used to specify a TopLink org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.converters.ObjectTypeConverter that converts a fixed number of database data value(s) to Java object value(s) during the reading and writing of a mapped attribute An ObjectTypeConverter must be be uniquely identified by name and can be defined at the class, field and property level and can be specified within an Entity, MappedSuperclass and Embeddable class. The usage of an ObjectTypeConverter is specified via the Convert annotation and is supported on a Basic, or ElementCollection mapping.
    Oracle TopLink
    Guy Pelletier
    See Also:
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      ConversionValue[] conversionValues
      (Required) Specify the conversion values to be used with the object converter.
      String name
      (Required) Name this converter.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      Class dataType
      (Optional) Specify the type stored on the database.
      String defaultObjectValue
      (Optional) Specify a default object value.
      Class objectType
      (Optional) Specify the type stored on the entity.
    • Element Detail

      • name

        String name
        (Required) Name this converter. The name should be unique across the whole persistence unit.
      • conversionValues

        ConversionValue[] conversionValues
        (Required) Specify the conversion values to be used with the object converter.
      • dataType

        Class dataType
        (Optional) Specify the type stored on the database. The default is inferred from the type of the persistence field or property.
      • objectType

        Class objectType
        (Optional) Specify the type stored on the entity. The default is inferred from the type of the persistent field or property.
      • defaultObjectValue

        String defaultObjectValue
        (Optional) Specify a default object value. Used for legacy data if the data value is missing.