Class PessimisticLock

  • public class PessimisticLock
    extends Object
    PessimisticLock hint values. The class contains all the valid values for QueryHints.PESSIMISTIC_LOCK query hint.

    JPA Query Hint Usage:

    query.setHint(QueryHints.PESSIMISTIC_LOCK, PessimisticLock.Lock);


    @QueryHint(name=QueryHints.PESSIMISTIC_LOCK, value=PessimisticLock.Lock)

    Hint values are case-insensitive. "" could be used instead of default value PessimisticLock.DEFAULT.

    See Also:
    Note: As of JPA 2.0 there is a standard way to configure pessimistic locking., LockModeType, (find(), refresh(), lock()), (setLockMode())