Class XMLInteraction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, Call
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class XMLInteraction
    extends MappedInteraction
    Defines the specification for a call to a JCA interaction that uses XML. Builds the input and output XML records from the arguments. This extends MappedInteraction to allow for mapped style of argument input and output.
    OracleAS TopLink 10g (10.0.3)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • inputRootElementName

        protected String inputRootElementName
        The root element name to use for the input DOM.
      • outputRootElementName

        protected String outputRootElementName
        The root element name to use for the output DOM.
    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLInteraction

        public XMLInteraction()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • getInputRootElementName

        public String getInputRootElementName()
        PUBLIC: Return the root element name to use for the input DOM.
      • setInputRootElementName

        public void setInputRootElementName​(String inputRootElementName)
        PUBLIC: Set the root element name to use for the input DOM.
      • getOutputRootElementName

        public String getOutputRootElementName()
        PUBLIC: Return the root element name to use for the output DOM.
      • setOutputRootElementName

        public void setOutputRootElementName​(String outputRootElementName)
        PUBLIC: Set the root element name to use for the output DOM.
      • createInputRecord

        public jakarta.resource.cci.Record createInputRecord​(EISAccessor accessor)
        Create a DOM input record for this interaction. Convert the database row or arguments into an XML DOM tree.
        createInputRecord in class MappedInteraction
      • createInputDOM

        public Element createInputDOM​(EISAccessor accessor)
        Create a DOM for this interaction. Convert the database row or arguments into an XML DOM tree.
      • buildRows

        public Vector buildRows​(jakarta.resource.cci.Record record,
                                EISAccessor accessor)
        Build a collection of database rows from the Record returned from the interaction.
        buildRows in class EISInteraction
      • createXMLRecord

        protected XMLRecord createXMLRecord​(String rootName)
        INTERNAL: Use the createRecord method on ObjectBuilder in case the root element is namespace qualified