Class BindCallCustomParameter

    • Field Detail

    • Constructor Detail

      • BindCallCustomParameter

        public BindCallCustomParameter​(Object obj)
        INTERNAL: Binds the custom parameter (obj) into the passed PreparedStatement for the passed DatabaseCall. Called only by DatabasePlatform.setParameterValueInDatabaseCall method
      • BindCallCustomParameter

        protected BindCallCustomParameter()
    • Method Detail

      • shouldUseUnwrappedConnection

        public boolean shouldUseUnwrappedConnection()
        Return if unwrapped connection should be used.
      • convert

        public Object convert​(Object parameter,
                              DatabaseField dbField,
                              AbstractSession session,
                              Connection connection)
                       throws SQLException
        INTERNAL: Converts the parameter object from a collection or java object into a JDBC type such as an Array or Struct object, based on the type information contained in the dbField object. If the parameter is null, the dbField will be returned to represent the null value. A Struct object will be returned if: 1) the dbField is an ObjectRelationalDatabaseField with its sqltype set to Types.STRUCT 2) parameter is not an instanceof java.sql.Struct 3) There is an ObjectRelationalDataTypeDescriptor defined for the parameter object's class An Array object will be returned if: 1) the dbField is an ObjectRelationalDatabaseField and sqltype is set to Types.ARRAY 2) parameter is an instanceof collection and is not an instanceof java.sql.Array This method will be used recursively on the dbField's nestedField and objects in the collection to build the Array object, allowing for nested structures to be produced ie arrays of arrays