Interface QueryStringCall

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Call, Cloneable, Serializable
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    QueryStringInteraction, SQLCall, XQueryInteraction

    public interface QueryStringCall
    extends Call
    INTERNAL: Purpose: Used to define query string calls. These include SQLCall, XQueryInteraction which reuse translation behavior through this interface.
    OracleAS TopLink 10g (10.0.3)
    James Sutherland
    • Method Detail

      • getParameters

        List getParameters()
        The parameters are the values in order of occurance in the SQL statement. This is lazy initialized to conserv space on calls that have no parameters.
      • getParameterTypes

        List<Integer> getParameterTypes()
        The parameter types determine if the parameter is a modify, translation or litteral type.
      • hasParameters

        boolean hasParameters()
        The parameters are the values in order of occurance in call. This is lazy initialized to conserv space on calls that have no parameters.
      • prepare

        void prepare​(AbstractSession session)
        Allow pre-printing of the query/SQL string for fully bound calls, to save from reprinting. This should call translateCustomQuery() in the call implementation.
      • translate

        void translate​(AbstractRecord translationRow,
                       AbstractRecord modifyRow,
                       AbstractSession session)
        Allow the call to translate from the translation for predefined calls. This should call translateQueryString() in the call implementation.
      • getQueryString

        String getQueryString()
        Return the query string of the call. This must be overwritten by subclasses that support query language translation (SQLCall, XQueryCall).
      • setQueryString

        void setQueryString​(String queryString)
        Set the query string of the call. This must be overwritten by subclasses that support query language translation (SQLCall, XQueryCall).
      • translateCustomQuery

        void translateCustomQuery()
        Parse the query string for # markers for custom query based on a query language. This is used by SQLCall and XQuery call, but can be reused by other query languages.
      • appendLiteral

        void appendLiteral​(Writer writer,
                           Object literal)
        All values are printed as ? to allow for parameter binding or translation during the execute of the call.
      • appendTranslation

        void appendTranslation​(Writer writer,
                               DatabaseField modifyField)
        All values are printed as ? to allow for parameter binding or translation during the execute of the call.
      • appendModify

        void appendModify​(Writer writer,
                          DatabaseField modifyField)
        All values are printed as ? to allow for parameter binding or translation during the execute of the call.
      • appendParameter

        void appendParameter​(Writer writer,
                             Object parameter,
                             AbstractSession session)
        Add the parameter. If using binding bind the parameter otherwise let the platform print it. The platform may also decide to bind the value.
      • isQueryStringCall

        boolean isQueryStringCall()
        Should return true.