Class AbstractDirectMapping

    • Field Detail

      • attributeClassification

        protected transient Class attributeClassification
        To specify the conversion type
      • attributeClassificationName

        protected String attributeClassificationName
      • attributeObjectClassification

        protected transient Class attributeObjectClassification
        PERF: Also store object class of attribute in case of primitive.
      • nullValue

        protected transient Object nullValue
        Support specification of the value to use for null.
      • fieldClassificationClassName

        protected String fieldClassificationClassName
      • bypassDefaultNullValueCheck

        protected boolean bypassDefaultNullValueCheck
        PERF: Avoid default null value conversion check if not default null value set in conversion manager.
      • isMutable

        protected Boolean isMutable
        PERF: Indicates if this mapping's attribute is a simple atomic value and cannot be modified, only replaced. This is a tri-state to allow user to set to true or false, as default is false but some data-types such as Calendar or byte[] or converter types may be desired to be used as mutable.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractDirectMapping

        public AbstractDirectMapping()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • addAdditionalFieldsToQuery

        public void addAdditionalFieldsToQuery​(ReadQuery selectionQuery,
                                               Expression baseExpression)
        INTERNAL: Used when initializing queries for mappings that use a Map. Called when the selection query is being initialized to add the fields for the map key to the query.
        Specified by:
        addAdditionalFieldsToQuery in interface MapKeyMapping
      • addFieldsForMapKey

        public void addFieldsForMapKey​(AbstractRecord joinRow)
        INTERNAL: Used when initializing queries for mappings that use a Map Called when the insert query is being initialized to ensure the fields for the map key are in the insert query.
        Specified by:
        addFieldsForMapKey in interface MapKeyMapping
      • addKeyToDeletedObjectsList

        public void addKeyToDeletedObjectsList​(Object object,
                                               Map deletedObjects)
        INTERNAL: For mappings used as MapKeys in MappedKeyContainerPolicy. Add the target of this mapping to the deleted objects list if necessary This method is used for removal of private owned relationships DirectMappings are dealt with in their parent delete, so this is a no-op.
        Specified by:
        addKeyToDeletedObjectsList in interface MapKeyMapping
      • isMutable

        public boolean isMutable()
        PUBLIC: Return true if the attribute for this mapping is a simple atomic value that cannot be modified, only replaced. This is false by default unless a mutable converter is used such as the SerializedObjectConverter. This can be set to false in this case, or if a Calendar or byte[] is desired to be used as a mutable value it can be set to true.
      • setIsMutable

        public void setIsMutable​(boolean isMutable)
        PUBLIC: Return true if the attribute for this mapping is a simple atomic value that cannot be modified, only replaced. This is false by default unless a mutable converter is used such as the SerializedObjectConverter. This can be set to false in this case, or if a Calendar or byte[] is desired to be used as a mutable value it can be set to true.
      • buildCloneValue

        public void buildCloneValue​(Object original,
                                    Object clone,
                                    AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Clone the attribute from the original and assign it to the clone. If mutability is configured to be true, clone the attribute if it is an instance of byte[], java.util.Calendar or java.util.Date (or their subclasses).
      • buildCloneValue

        protected Object buildCloneValue​(Object attributeValue,
                                         AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Clone the actual value represented by this mapping. Do set the cloned value into the object.
      • buildCopy

        public void buildCopy​(Object copy,
                              Object original,
                              CopyGroup group)
        INTERNAL: Copy of the attribute of the object. This is NOT used for unit of work but for templatizing an object.
        buildCopy in class DatabaseMapping
      • cascadeRegisterNewIfRequired

        public void cascadeRegisterNewIfRequired​(Object object,
                                                 UnitOfWorkImpl uow,
                                                 Map visitedObjects,
                                                 boolean getAttributeValueFromObject)
        INTERNAL: Cascade registerNew for Create through mappings that require the cascade.
        Specified by:
        cascadeRegisterNewIfRequired in interface MapKeyMapping
      • deleteMapKey

        public void deleteMapKey​(Object objectDeleted,
                                 AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: For mappings used as MapKeys in MappedKeyContainerPolicy, Delete the passed object if necessary. This method is used for removal of private owned relationships DirectMappings are dealt with in their parent delete, so this is a no-op.
        Specified by:
        deleteMapKey in interface MapKeyMapping
      • compareObjectValues

        protected boolean compareObjectValues​(Object firstValue,
                                              Object secondValue,
                                              AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Compare the attribute values.
      • convertClassNamesToClasses

        public void convertClassNamesToClasses​(ClassLoader classLoader)
        INTERNAL: Convert all the class-name-based settings in this mapping to actual class-based settings This method is implemented by subclasses as necessary.
        convertClassNamesToClasses in class AbstractColumnMapping
      • createMapComponentsFromSerializableKeyInfo

        public List<Object> createMapComponentsFromSerializableKeyInfo​(Object[] keyInfo,
                                                                       AbstractSession session)
        INTERNAL: Create an instance of the Key object from the key information extracted from the map. This may return the value directly in case of a simple key or will be used as the FK to load a related entity.
        Specified by:
        createMapComponentsFromSerializableKeyInfo in interface MapKeyMapping
      • getAttributeClassification

        public Class getAttributeClassification()
        PUBLIC: Some databases do not properly support all of the base data types. For these databases, the base data type must be explicitly specified in the mapping to tell EclipseLink to force the instance variable value to that data type.
        getAttributeClassification in class DatabaseMapping
      • getAttributeClassificationName

        public String getAttributeClassificationName()
        INTERNAL: Return the class name of the attribute type. This is only used by the MW.
      • getObjectValueWithoutClassCheck

        public Object getObjectValueWithoutClassCheck​(Object fieldValue,
                                                      Session session)
        INTERNAL: Same as getObjectValue method, but without checking fieldValue's class. Used in case the fieldValue class is already known to be the same as attributeClassification.
      • getFieldClassification

        public Class getFieldClassification​(DatabaseField fieldToClassify)
        INTERNAL: Return the classification for the field contained in the mapping. This is used to convert the row value to a consistent Java value.
        getFieldClassification in class DatabaseMapping
      • getFieldClassification

        public Class getFieldClassification()
        ADVANCED: Return the class type of the field value. This can be used if field value differs from the object value, has specific typing requirements such as usage of java.sql.Blob or NChar.
      • setFieldClassification

        public void setFieldClassification​(Class fieldType)
        ADVANCED: Set the class type of the field value. This can be used if field value differs from the object value, has specific typing requirements such as usage of java.sql.Blob or NChar. This must be called after the field name has been set.
      • setFieldClassificationClassName

        public void setFieldClassificationClassName​(String className)
        INTERNAL: Set the name of the class that will be used for setFieldClassification and deploy time Used internally by JPA deployment.
        className -
        See Also:
        setFieldClassification(Class fieldType)
      • setFieldType

        public void setFieldType​(int jdbcType)
        ADVANCED: Set the JDBC type of the field value. This can be used if field type does not correspond directly to a Java class type, such as MONEY. This is used for binding.
      • getFieldName

        public String getFieldName()
        PUBLIC: Name of the field this mapping represents.
      • getIdentityFieldsForMapKey

        public List<DatabaseField> getIdentityFieldsForMapKey()
        INTERNAL: Return the fields that make up the identity of the mapped object. For mappings with a primary key, it will be the set of fields in the primary key. For mappings without a primary key it will likely be all the fields.
        Specified by:
        getIdentityFieldsForMapKey in interface MapKeyMapping
      • getNullValue

        public Object getNullValue()
        PUBLIC: Allow for the value used for null to be specified. This can be used to convert database null values to application specific values, when null values are not allowed by the application (such as in primitives). Note: the default value for NULL is used on reads, writes, and query SQL generation
      • getAdditionalSelectionCriteriaForMapKey

        public Expression getAdditionalSelectionCriteriaForMapKey()
        INTERNAL: Return the selection criteria necessary to select the target object when this mapping is a map key. DirectMappings do not need any additional selection criteria when they are map keys.
        Specified by:
        getAdditionalSelectionCriteriaForMapKey in interface MapKeyMapping
      • getMapKeyTargetType

        public Class getMapKeyTargetType()
        INTERNAL: Return the class this key mapping maps or the descriptor for it
        Specified by:
        getMapKeyTargetType in interface MapKeyMapping
      • getWeight

        public Integer getWeight()
        INTERNAL: Return the weight of the mapping, used to sort mappings to ensure that DirectToField Mappings get merged first
        getWeight in class DatabaseMapping
      • remoteInitialization

        public void remoteInitialization​(DistributedSession session)
        INTERNAL: Once descriptors are serialized to the remote session. All its mappings and reference descriptors are traversed. Usually mappings are initialized and serialized reference descriptors are replaced with local descriptors if they already exist on the remote session.
        remoteInitialization in class DatabaseMapping
      • iterateOnMapKey

        public void iterateOnMapKey​(DescriptorIterator iterator,
                                    Object element)
        INTERNAL: Called when iterating through descriptors to handle iteration on this mapping when it is used as a MapKey.
        Specified by:
        iterateOnMapKey in interface MapKeyMapping
      • mergeIntoObject

        public void mergeIntoObject​(Object target,
                                    boolean isTargetUnInitialized,
                                    Object source,
                                    MergeManager mergeManager,
                                    AbstractSession targetSession)
        INTERNAL: Merge changes from the source to the target object. This merge is only called when a changeSet for the target does not exist or the target is uninitialized
        Specified by:
        mergeIntoObject in class DatabaseMapping
      • requiresDataModificationEventsForMapKey

        public boolean requiresDataModificationEventsForMapKey()
        INTERNAL: Return whether this mapping requires extra queries to update the rows if it is used as a key in a map. This will typically be true if there are any parts to this mapping that are not read-only.
        Specified by:
        requiresDataModificationEventsForMapKey in interface MapKeyMapping
      • setAttributeClassification

        public void setAttributeClassification​(Class attributeClassification)
        PUBLIC: Some databases do not properly support all of the base data types. For these databases, the base data type must be explicitly specified in the mapping to tell EclipseLink to force the instance variable value to that data type
      • setAttributeClassificationName

        public void setAttributeClassificationName​(String attributeClassificationName)
        INTERNAL: Set the name of the class for MW usage.
      • setNullValue

        public void setNullValue​(Object nullValue)
        PUBLIC: Allow for the value used for null to be specified. This can be used to convert database null values to application specific values, when null values are not allowed by the application (such as in primitives). Note: the default value for NULL is used on reads, writes, and query SQL generation
      • isCloningRequired

        public boolean isCloningRequired()
        INTERNAL: Return if this mapping requires its attribute value to be cloned.
        isCloningRequired in class DatabaseMapping
      • buildShallowOriginalFromRow

        public void buildShallowOriginalFromRow​(AbstractRecord databaseRow,
                                                Object original,
                                                JoinedAttributeManager joinManager,
                                                ObjectBuildingQuery query,
                                                AbstractSession executionSession)
        INTERNAL: Builds a shallow original object. Only direct attributes and primary keys are populated. In this way the minimum original required for instantiating a working copy clone can be built without placing it in the shared cache (no concern over cycles).
        buildShallowOriginalFromRow in class DatabaseMapping
        original - later the input to buildCloneFromRow
      • getFieldClassificationClassName

        public String getFieldClassificationClassName()
        INTERNAL: Get fieldClassificationClassName. Value usually exist for fields with some kind of embedded converter like @Lob or @Temporal.