Class XMLProjectWriter

  • public class XMLProjectWriter
    extends Object

    Purpose: Write the deployment XML (object persistence meta-data) for the TopLink project instance to a file. Note the TopLink deployment XML format has change as of the OracleAS TopLink 10g (10.0.3) release to use XML schema.

    TopLink 3.0
    James Sutherland
    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLProjectWriter

        public XMLProjectWriter()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • write

        public static void write​(Project project,
                                 String fileName)
        PUBLIC: Given the file name (including path), and a project, this writes out the deployment XML file storing the project's descriptor and mapping information.
        fileName - file to write to (including path)
        project - the project instance to write
      • write

        public static void write​(Project project,
                                 Writer writer)
        PUBLIC: Given the writer, and a project, this writes out the deployment XML file storing the project's descriptor and mapping information.
        writer - writer to writer to
        project - the project instance to write