Annotation Type Cache

  • @Target(TYPE)
    public @interface Cache
    The Cache annotation is used to configure the EclipseLink object cache. By default EclipseLink uses a shared object cache to cache all objects. The caching type and options can be configured on a per class basis to allow optimal caching.

    This includes options for configuring the type of caching, setting the size, disabling the shared cache, expiring objects, refreshing, and cache coordination (clustering).

    A Cache annotation may be defined on an Entity or MappedSuperclass. In the case of inheritance, a Cache annotation should only be defined on the root of the inheritance hierarchy.

    Oracle TopLink
    Guy Pelletier
    See Also:
    CacheType, CacheCoordinationType, ClassDescriptor, CacheInvalidationPolicy
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean alwaysRefresh
      (Optional) Force all queries that go to the database to always refresh the cache.
      CacheCoordinationType coordinationType
      (Optional) The cache coordination mode.
      DatabaseChangeNotificationType databaseChangeNotificationType
      (Optional) The database change notification mode.
      boolean disableHits
      (Optional) Setting to true will force all queries to bypass the cache for hits but still resolve against the cache for identity.
      int expiry
      (Optional) Expire cached instance after a fix period of time (ms).
      TimeOfDay expiryTimeOfDay
      (Optional) Expire cached instance a specific time of day.
      CacheIsolationType isolation
      (Optional) Controls the level of caching this Entity will use.
      boolean refreshOnlyIfNewer
      (Optional) For all queries that go to the database, refresh the cache only if the data received from the database by a query is newer than the data in the cache (as determined by the optimistic locking field).
      int size
      (Optional) The size of cache to use.
      CacheType type
      (Optional) The type of cache to use.
    • Element Detail

      • type

        CacheType type
        (Optional) The type of cache to use. The default is SOFT_WEAK.
      • size

        int size
        (Optional) The size of cache to use. The default is 100.
      • isolation

        CacheIsolationType isolation
        (Optional) Controls the level of caching this Entity will use. The default is CacheIsolationType.SHARED which has EclipseLink Caching all Entities in the Shared Cache.
        See Also:
      • expiry

        int expiry
        (Optional) Expire cached instance after a fix period of time (ms). Queries executed against the cache after this will be forced back to the database for a refreshed copy. By default there is no expiry.
      • expiryTimeOfDay

        TimeOfDay expiryTimeOfDay
        (Optional) Expire cached instance a specific time of day. Queries executed against the cache after this will be forced back to the database for a refreshed copy.
      • alwaysRefresh

        boolean alwaysRefresh
        (Optional) Force all queries that go to the database to always refresh the cache. Default is false. Consider disabling the shared cache instead of forcing refreshing.
      • refreshOnlyIfNewer

        boolean refreshOnlyIfNewer
        (Optional) For all queries that go to the database, refresh the cache only if the data received from the database by a query is newer than the data in the cache (as determined by the optimistic locking field). This is normally used in conjunction with alwaysRefresh, and by itself it only affect explicit refresh calls or queries. Default is false.
      • disableHits

        boolean disableHits
        (Optional) Setting to true will force all queries to bypass the cache for hits but still resolve against the cache for identity. This forces all queries to hit the database.
      • coordinationType

        CacheCoordinationType coordinationType
        (Optional) The cache coordination mode. Note that cache coordination must also be configured for the persistence unit/session.
      • databaseChangeNotificationType

        DatabaseChangeNotificationType databaseChangeNotificationType
        (Optional) The database change notification mode. Note that database event listener must also be configured for the persistence unit/session.