Class EISSequence

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable

    public class EISSequence
    extends QuerySequence

    The EISSequence class allows access to sequence resources using custom read (ValueReadQuery) and update (DataModifyQuery) queries and a user specified preallocation size. This allows sequencing to be performed using stored procedures, and access to sequence resources that are not supported by the other sequencing types provided by TopLink.

    OracleAS TopLink 10g (10.0.3)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • EISSequence

        public EISSequence()
      • EISSequence

        public EISSequence​(String name)
      • EISSequence

        public EISSequence​(String name,
                           int size)