Class InstantiationPolicy

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class InstantiationPolicy
    extends CoreInstantiationPolicy
    implements Cloneable, Serializable
    Purpose: Allows customization of how an object is created/instantiated.

    So, here is how it works:

    If there is no method specified
    - all the other settings are ignored and
    - the descriptor class's default constructor is invoked.
    If a factory is specified
    - the factoryClass and factoryClassMethod are ignored and
    - the method is invoked on the factory.
    If neither a factory nor a factoryClass are specified
    - the factoryClassMethod is ignored and
    - the method is invoked on the descriptor class (as a static).
    If only the factoryClass is specified
    - the factory is created by invoking the factoryClass' default (zero-argument) constructor and
    - the method is invoked on the resulting factory.
    If both the factoryClass and the factoryClassMethod are specified
    - the factory is created by invoking the factoryClassMethod on the factoryClass (as a static) and
    - the method is invoked on the resulting factory.

    The only thing we can't support in the current configuration is invoking a static on some, client-specified, factoryClass to build new instances of the descriptor class; and it's debatable whether that is desirable...

    It might be reasonable to rework this into a number of different classes that implement an interface...

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • methodName

        protected String methodName
        The method invoked on either the descriptor class (in which case it is static) or the factory (in which case it is not static) to build a new instance of the descriptor class.
      • method

        protected transient Method method
        The method is resolved during initialization, and it is not serialized.
      • factoryClass

        protected Class factoryClass
        The class of the factory. The factory is instantiated by either invoking this class's default (zero-argument) constructor or the factoryMethod specified below.
      • factoryClassName

        protected String factoryClassName
      • factoryMethodName

        protected String factoryMethodName
        Static method invoked on the factoryClass to get the factory instance. If this is null, the factory class's default (zero-argument) constructor is invoked.
      • factory

        protected Object factory
        The object factory. This can be specified directly by the client, or it can be built dynamically using the the factoryClass and, optionally, the factoryMethodName.
      • descriptor

        protected ClassDescriptor descriptor
        Backpointer to descriptor.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InstantiationPolicy

        public InstantiationPolicy()
        Default constructor
    • Method Detail

      • buildNewInstanceUsingDefaultConstructor

        protected Object buildNewInstanceUsingDefaultConstructor()
                                                          throws DescriptorException
        Build and return a new instance, using the default (zero-argument) constructor.
      • buildNewInstanceUsingFactory

        protected Object buildNewInstanceUsingFactory()
                                               throws DescriptorException
        Build and return a new instance, using the factory. The factory can be null, in which case the method is a static method defined by the descriptor class.
      • clone

        public Object clone()
        INTERNAL: Clones the InstantiationPolicy
        clone in class Object
      • getFactoryMethodName

        public String getFactoryMethodName()
      • getFactory

        public Object getFactory()
      • getFactoryClass

        public Class getFactoryClass()
      • getFactoryClassName

        public String getFactoryClassName()
      • getMethod

        protected Method getMethod()
      • getMethodName

        public String getMethodName()
      • initializeMethod

        protected void initializeMethod()
                                 throws DescriptorException
        Initialize the method. It is either a static on the descriptor class, or it is a non-static on the factory.
      • isUsingDefaultConstructor

        public boolean isUsingDefaultConstructor()
        If no method name is specified, they we have to use the default (zero-argument) constructor.
      • setDefaultConstructor

        protected void setDefaultConstructor​(Constructor defaultConstructor)
      • setDescriptor

        public void setDescriptor​(ClassDescriptor descriptor)
      • setFactoryMethodName

        protected void setFactoryMethodName​(String factoryMethodName)
      • setFactory

        protected void setFactory​(Object factory)
      • setFactoryClass

        protected void setFactoryClass​(Class factoryClass)
      • setFactoryClassName

        protected void setFactoryClassName​(String factoryClassName)
      • setMethod

        protected void setMethod​(Method method)
      • setMethodName

        public void setMethodName​(String methodName)
      • convertClassNamesToClasses

        public void convertClassNamesToClasses​(ClassLoader classLoader)
        INTERNAL: Convert all the class-name-based settings in this InstantiationPolicy to actual class-based settings. This method is used when converting a project that has been built with class names to a project with classes.
        classLoader -
      • useDefaultConstructorInstantiationPolicy

        public void useDefaultConstructorInstantiationPolicy()
      • useFactoryInstantiationPolicy

        public void useFactoryInstantiationPolicy​(Class factoryClass,
                                                  String methodName)
      • useFactoryInstantiationPolicy

        public void useFactoryInstantiationPolicy​(Class factoryClass,
                                                  String methodName,
                                                  String factoryMethodName)
      • useFactoryInstantiationPolicy

        public void useFactoryInstantiationPolicy​(String factoryClassName,
                                                  String methodName,
                                                  String factoryMethodName)
      • useFactoryInstantiationPolicy

        public void useFactoryInstantiationPolicy​(Object factory,
                                                  String methodName)
      • useMethodInstantiationPolicy

        public void useMethodInstantiationPolicy​(String staticMethodName)