Class BaseExpression

    • Field Detail

      • baseExpression

        protected Expression baseExpression
        The base expression is what this was derived from.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseExpression

        public BaseExpression()
      • BaseExpression

        public BaseExpression​(Expression baseExpression)
    • Method Detail

      • getBaseExpression

        public Expression getBaseExpression()
        The base expression is what the parameter was derived from.
      • getBuilder

        public ExpressionBuilder getBuilder()
        Return the expression builder which is the ultimate base of this expression, or null if there isn't one (shouldn't happen if we start from a root).
        Specified by:
        getBuilder in class Expression
      • postCopyIn

        protected void postCopyIn​(Map alreadyDone)
        INTERNAL: Used for cloning.
        postCopyIn in class Expression
      • resetPlaceHolderBuilder

        public void resetPlaceHolderBuilder​(ExpressionBuilder queryBuilder)
        INTERNAL: Search the tree for any expressions (like SubSelectExpressions) that have been built using a builder that is not attached to the query. This happens in case of an Exists call using a new ExpressionBuilder(). This builder needs to be replaced with one from the query.
        Specified by:
        resetPlaceHolderBuilder in class Expression
      • setBaseExpression

        public void setBaseExpression​(Expression baseExpression)
        The base expression is what the parameter was derived from. This is used for nested parameters.