Class SQLStatement

    • Constructor Detail

      • SQLStatement

        public SQLStatement()
    • Method Detail

      • buildCall

        public abstract DatabaseCall buildCall​(AbstractSession session)
        Return SQL call for the statement, through generating the SQL string.
      • clone

        public Object clone()
        Clone the Statement
        clone in class Object
      • getHintString

        public String getHintString()
        INTERNAL: Return the Hint String for the statement
      • getTranslationRow

        public AbstractRecord getTranslationRow()
        INTERNAL: Return the row for translation
      • getWhereClause

        public Expression getWhereClause()
      • setHintString

        public void setHintString​(String newHintString)
        INTERNAL: Set the Hint String for the statement
      • setTranslationRow

        public void setTranslationRow​(AbstractRecord theRow)
        INTERNAL: Set the row for translation
      • setWhereClause

        public void setWhereClause​(Expression expression)