Class SetNode

  • public class SetNode
    extends MajorNode
    INTERNAL: This node holds a list of all the updates that will occur in an Update Query. Slightly different from other nodes since holds more than two children in a list.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SetNode

        public SetNode()
    • Method Detail

      • addUpdatesToQuery

        public void addUpdatesToQuery​(UpdateAllQuery theQuery,
                                      GenerationContext context)
        Iterate through the updates in this query and build expressions for them. Set the built expressions on the query.
      • qualifyAttributeAccess

        public Node qualifyAttributeAccess​(ParseTreeContext context)
        INTERNAL Check the update item node for a path expression starting with a unqualified field access and if so, replace it by a qualified field access.
        qualifyAttributeAccess in class Node
      • getExpressionForNode

        protected Expression getExpressionForNode​(Node node,
                                                  Class referenceClass,
                                                  GenerationContext context)
        Create an expression to represent one of the nodes on a SetToNode. We will assume that set_to nodes change elements that are direct mappings on the reference class of the query.
      • setAssignmentNodes

        public void setAssignmentNodes​(List nodes)