Class CharacterEscapeHandlerWrapper

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CharacterEscapeHandlerWrapper
    extends Object
    implements CharacterEscapeHandler

    This class provides an implementation of CharacterEscapeHandler that wraps a CharacterEscapeHandler from the Sun JAXB Implementation.

    • Constructor Detail

      • CharacterEscapeHandlerWrapper

        public CharacterEscapeHandlerWrapper​(Object sunHandler)
    • Method Detail

      • escape

        public void escape​(char[] buffer,
                           int start,
                           int length,
                           boolean isAttributeValue,
                           Writer out)
                    throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: CharacterEscapeHandler

        Perform character escaping and write the result to the output.

        Note: This feature is not supported when marshalling to the following targets:

        • org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
        • org.w3c.dom.Node
        Specified by:
        escape in interface CharacterEscapeHandler
        buffer - Array of characters to be escaped
        start - The starting position
        length - The number of characters being escaped
        isAttributeValue - A value of 'true' indicates this is an attribute value
        out - The resulting escaped characters will be written to this Writer
        IOException - In an error condition, IOException can be thrown to stop the marshalling process
      • getHandler

        public Object getHandler()