Class ClientSessionIdentityMapAccessor

    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientSessionIdentityMapAccessor

        public ClientSessionIdentityMapAccessor​(ClientSession session)
        INTERNAL: Create a ClientSessionIdentityMapAccessor Since the parent session's identity map manager is used, an IdentityMapManager does not need to be supplied to the constructor
    • Method Detail

      • initializeAllIdentityMaps

        public void initializeAllIdentityMaps()
        INTERNAL: Was PUBLIC: customer will be redirected to Session. Reset the entire object cache. This method blows away both this session's and its parents caches, including the server cache or any other cache. This throws away any objects that have been read in. Extreme caution should be used before doing this because object identity will no longer be maintained for any objects currently read in. This should only be called if the application knows that it no longer has references to object held in the cache.
        Specified by:
        initializeAllIdentityMaps in interface IdentityMapAccessor
        initializeAllIdentityMaps in class IdentityMapAccessor
      • getIdentityMapManager

        public IdentityMapManager getIdentityMapManager()
        INTERNAL: Return the IdentityMapManager for the client session. This overrides the IdentityMapAccessor version of getIdentityMapManager to return the parent session's IdentityMapManager
        getIdentityMapManager in class IdentityMapAccessor
      • setIdentityMapManager

        public void setIdentityMapManager​(IdentityMapManager identityMapManager)
        INTERNAL: The identity map manager cannot be set on a client session since it looks at it's parent session's identity map manager.
        setIdentityMapManager in class IdentityMapAccessor