Class BroadcastRemoteConnection

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class BroadcastRemoteConnection
    extends RemoteConnection

    Purpose: Base class extending RemoteConnection for broadcasting RCM protocols: JMS and Oc4jJGroups.

    Description: Defines lifecycle states and most of the methods, as well as exception processing and info logging.

    OracleAS TopLink 11g (11.1.1)
    Andrei Ilitchev
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • executeCommandInternal

        protected abstract Object executeCommandInternal​(Object command)
                                                  throws Exception
        INTERNAL: Publish the remote command. The result of execution is returned. This method is used only by external (publishing) connection.
      • logDebugBeforePublish

        protected Object[] logDebugBeforePublish​(String messageId)
        INTERNAL: Called from executeCommandInternal to log debugInfo right before sending the message. Returns array {toString(), messageId }. In case messageId is null returns getInfoExt() avoiding creation of a new array.
      • logDebugAfterPublish

        protected void logDebugAfterPublish​(Object[] debugInfo,
                                            String messageId)
        INTERNAL: Called from executeCommandInternal to log debugInfo right after sending the message. Only call this method in case logDebugBeforePublish returned non-null this is indication that debug logging is enabled. Pass to this method debugInfo returned by logDebugBeforePublish. Need to pass messageId only in case it has changed since logDebugBeforePublish: some broadcasting protocols (JMS) don't generate messageId until the message is published.
      • logDebugOnReceiveMessage

        protected void logDebugOnReceiveMessage​(String messageId)
        INTERNAL: Called when a message is received to log debugInfo: { toString(), messageId }. This method is used by local (listening) connection only.
      • processReceivedObject

        protected void processReceivedObject​(Object object,
                                             String messageId)
        INTERNAL: Process the object extracted from the received message. Pass to this method messageInfo created by logDebugOnReceiveMessage method. This method is used by local (listening) connection only.
      • failDeserializeMessage

        protected void failDeserializeMessage​(String messageId,
                                              Exception exception)
        INTERNAL: Call this message in case there is failure to extract the object (to be passed to processReceivedObject) from the message. Pass to this method debugInfo created by logDebugOnReceiveMessage method. This method is used by local (listening) connection only.
      • close

        public void close()
        INTERNAL: This method is called when connection in no longer used and it's resources should be freed. As soon as this method is called the state is CLOSING. Usually the state is CLOSED just before the method returns, but there are some special cases (see comment to areAllResourcesFreedOnClose method) when the state is still CLOSING after the method returns.
        close in class RemoteConnection
      • getState

        public String getState()
        INTERNAL: State of the connection.
      • isActive

        public boolean isActive()
        INTERNAL: Connection is open for business.
      • isClosing

        public boolean isClosing()
        INTERNAL: close method has been called.
      • isClosed

        public boolean isClosed()
        INTERNAL: Connection is closed - all resources were freed.
      • closeInternal

        protected abstract void closeInternal()
                                       throws Exception
        INTERNAL: This method is called by close method. This method usually (but not always see comment to areAllResourcesFreedOnClose method) frees all the resources.
      • getTopicName

        public String getTopicName()
      • getInfo

        protected Object[] getInfo()
      • getInfoExt

        protected Object[] getInfoExt()
      • areAllResourcesFreedOnClose

        protected boolean areAllResourcesFreedOnClose()
        INTERNAL: Indicates whether all the resources used by connection are freed after close method returns. Usually that's the case. However in case of local (listening) JMSTopicRemoteConnection close merely indicates to the listening thread that it should free TopicConnection and exit. Note that it may take a while: the listening thread waits until subscriber.receive method either returns a message or throws an exception.
      • createDisplayString

        protected void createDisplayString()
      • shouldCheckServiceId

        protected boolean shouldCheckServiceId()
        INTERNAL: Return whether a BroadcastConnection should check a ServiceId against its own ServiceId to avoid the processing of Commands with the same ServiceId.