Annotation Type XmlJoinNode

  • @Target({METHOD,FIELD})
    public @interface XmlJoinNode

    XmlJoinNode is used in conjunction with XmlKey to specify a reference mapping. This is similar to XmlID and XmlIDREF but allows for keys that are of types other than ID. When used with XmlJoinNodes can be used to allow composite keys. The referencedXmlPath must match the xpath of a field on the target class that has been annotated with either XmlID or XmlKey.


     public class Employee {
         public String id;
         public String department;
           @XmlJoinNode(xmlPath="manager/id/text()", referencedXmlPath="id/text()")
         public Employee manager;
    See Also:
    XmlKey, XmlJoinNodes
    • Element Detail

      • referencedXmlPath

        String referencedXmlPath