Class DefaultConnector

    • Field Detail

      • driverClassName

        protected String driverClassName
      • driverURLHeader

        protected String driverURLHeader
      • databaseURL

        protected String databaseURL
      • driverClass

        protected Class driverClass
        cache up the driver class to speed up reconnects
      • driver

        protected Driver driver
        cache up the instantiated Driver to speed up reconnects
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultConnector

        public DefaultConnector()
        PUBLIC: Construct a Connector with default settings The database URL will still need to be set.
      • DefaultConnector

        public DefaultConnector​(String driverClassName,
                                String driverURLHeader,
                                String databaseURL)
        PUBLIC: Construct a Connector with the specified settings.
    • Method Detail

      • shouldUseDriverManager

        public boolean shouldUseDriverManager​(Properties properties,
                                              Session session)
        INTERNAL: Indicates whether DriverManager should be used.
      • getConnectionString

        public String getConnectionString()
        PUBLIC: Return the JDBC connection string. This is a combination of the driver-specific URL header and the database URL.
      • getConnectionDetails

        public String getConnectionDetails()
        PUBLIC: Provide the details of my connection information. This is primarily for JMX runtime services.
        Specified by:
        getConnectionDetails in interface Connector
      • getDatabaseURL

        public String getDatabaseURL()
        PUBLIC: The database URL is the JDBC URL for the database server. The driver header is not be included in this URL (e.g. "dbase files"; not "jdbc:odbc:dbase files").
      • getDriverClassName

        public String getDriverClassName()
        PUBLIC: The driver class is the name of the Java class for the JDBC driver being used (e.g. "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver").
      • getDriverURLHeader

        public String getDriverURLHeader()
        PUBLIC: The driver URL header is the string predetermined by the JDBC driver to be part of the URL connection string, (e.g. "jdbc:odbc:"). This is required to connect to the database.
      • initialize

        protected void initialize​(String driverClassName,
                                  String driverURLHeader,
                                  String databaseURL)
        INTERNAL: Initialize the connector with the specified settings.
      • loadDriverClass

        protected void loadDriverClass​(Session session)
                                throws DatabaseException
        INTERNAL: Ensure that the driver has been loaded and registered with the DriverManager. Just loading the class should cause the static initialization code to do the necessary registration. Return the loaded driver Class.
      • setDatabaseURL

        public void setDatabaseURL​(String databaseURL)
        PUBLIC: The database URL is the JDBC URL for the database server. The driver header is not be included in this URL (e.g. "dbase files"; not "jdbc:odbc:dbase files").
      • setDriverClassName

        public void setDriverClassName​(String driverClassName)
        PUBLIC: The driver class is the name of the Java class for the JDBC driver being used (e.g. "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver").
      • setDriverURLHeader

        public void setDriverURLHeader​(String driverURLHeader)
        PUBLIC: The driver URL header is the string predetermined by the JDBC driver to be part of the URL connection string, (e.g. "jdbc:odbc:"). This is required to connect to the database.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        PUBLIC: Print connection string.
        toString in class Object
      • toString

        public void toString​(PrintWriter writer)
        INTERNAL: Print something useful on the log.
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Connector
      • clearDriverClassAndDriver

        public void clearDriverClassAndDriver()
        INTERNAL: Discard the cached driver class and driver.