Class Statements

    • Field Detail


        public static Function<Triple,​Resource> TRIPLE_BNODE_MAPPER
        A Function that maps Triple to BNode consistently. Multiple invocations for the same Triple will return the same BNode. The current implementation creates a BNode by encoding the string representation of the Triple using base64 URL-safe encoding.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Statements

        public Statements()
    • Method Detail

      • consume

        public static void consume​(ValueFactory vf,
                                   Resource subject,
                                   IRI predicate,
                                   Value object,
                                   Consumer<Statement> consumer,
                                   Resource... contexts)
        Creates one or more Statement objects with the given subject, predicate and object, one for each given context, and sends each created statement to the supplied Consumer. If no context is supplied, only a single statement (without any assigned context) is created.
        vf - the ValueFactory to use for creating statements.
        subject - the subject of each statement. May not be null.
        predicate - the predicate of each statement. May not be null.
        object - the object of each statement. May not be null.
        consumer - the Consumer function for the produced statements.
        contexts - the context(s) for which to produce statements. This argument is an optional vararg: leave it out completely to produce a single statement without context.
      • create

        public static <C extends Collection<Statement>> C create​(ValueFactory vf,
                                                                 Resource subject,
                                                                 IRI predicate,
                                                                 Value object,
                                                                 C collection,
                                                                 Resource... contexts)
        Creates one or more Statement objects with the given subject, predicate and object, one for each given context. If no context is supplied, only a single statement (without any assigned context) is created.
        vf - the ValueFactory to use for creating statements.
        subject - the subject of each statement. May not be null.
        predicate - the predicate of each statement. May not be null.
        object - the object of each statement. May not be null.
        collection - the collection of Statements to which the newly created Statements will be added. May not be null.
        contexts - the context(s) for which to produce statements. This argument is an optional vararg: leave it out completely to produce a single statement without context.
        the input collection of Statements, with the newly created Statements added.
      • stripContext

        public static Statement stripContext​(Statement statement)
        Strips the context (if any) from the supplied statement and returns a statement with the same subject, predicate and object, but with no assigned context.
        statement - the statement to strip the context from
        a statement without context
      • stripContext

        public static Statement stripContext​(ValueFactory vf,
                                             Statement statement)
        Strips the context (if any) from the supplied statement and returns a statement with the same subject, predicate and object, but with no assigned context.
        vf - the ValueFactory to use for creating a new Statement.
        statement - the statement to strip the context from.
        a statement without context
      • statement

        public static Statement statement​(Triple triple)
        Create a Statement from the supplied RDF-star triple
        triple - an RDF-star triple to convert to a Statement.
        an Statement with the same subject, predicate and object as the input triple, and no context.
      • statement

        public static Statement statement​(Triple triple,
                                          Resource context)
        Create a Statement from the supplied RDF-star triple and context.
        triple - an RDF-star triple to convert to a Statement.
        context - the context to assign to the Statement.
        an Statement with the same subject, predicate and object as the input triple, and having the supplied context.
      • statement

        public static Statement statement​(Resource subject,
                                          IRI predicate,
                                          Value object,
                                          Resource context)
        Create a Statement from the supplied subject, predicate, object and context.
        subject - the statement subject
        predicate - the statement predicate
        object - the statement object
        context - the context to assign to the Statement. May be null to indicate no context.
        an Statement with the same subject, predicate and object as the input triple, and having the supplied context.
        NullPointerException - if any of subject, predicate, or object are null.
      • statement

        public static Statement statement​(ValueFactory vf,
                                          Resource subject,
                                          IRI predicate,
                                          Value object,
                                          Resource context)
        Create a Statement from the supplied subject, predicate, object and context.
        vf - the ValueFactory to use for creating the Statement object.
        subject - the statement subject
        predicate - the statement predicate
        object - the statement object
        context - the context to assign to the Statement. May be null to indicate no context.
        an Statement with the same subject, predicate and object as the input triple, and having the supplied context.
        NullPointerException - if any of vf, subject, predicate, or object are null.
      • isSameTriple

        public static boolean isSameTriple​(Statement st1,
                                           Statement st2)
        Checks if the two statements represent the same triple (that is, they have equal subject, predicate, and object). Context information is disregarded.
        st1 - the first statement to compare. May not be null.
        st2 - the second statement to compare. May not be null.
        true iff the subject, predicate and object of st1 and st2 are equal, false otherwise.
        See Also:
      • convertRDFStarToReification

        public static void convertRDFStarToReification​(Statement st,
                                                       Consumer<Statement> consumer)
        Converts the supplied RDF-star statement to RDF reification statements, and sends the resultant statements to the supplied consumer. If the supplied statement is not RDF-star it will be sent to the consumer as is.

        The statements needed to represent reification will use blank nodes.

        st - the Statement to convert.
        consumer - the Consumer function for the produced statements.
      • convertRDFStarToReification

        public static void convertRDFStarToReification​(ValueFactory vf,
                                                       Statement st,
                                                       Consumer<Statement> consumer)
        Converts the supplied RDF-star statement to RDF reification statements, and sends the resultant statements to the supplied consumer. If the supplied statement is not RDF-star it will be sent to the consumer as is.

        The statements needed to represent reification will use blank nodes.

        The supplied value factory is used to create all new statements and blank nodes.

        vf - the ValueFactory to use for creating statements.
        st - the Statement to convert.
        consumer - the Consumer function for the produced statements.
      • convertRDFStarToReification

        public static void convertRDFStarToReification​(ValueFactory vf,
                                                       Function<Triple,​Resource> reifiedIdMapper,
                                                       Statement st,
                                                       Consumer<Statement> consumer)
        Converts the supplied RDF-star statement to RDF reification statements, and sends the resultant statements to the supplied consumer. If the supplied statement is not RDF-star it will be sent to the consumer as is.

        The supplied value factory is used to create all new statements.

        The supplied mapper function maps a Triple to a Resource and is used to create the ID of the RDF reification statement corresponding to the converted triple. The function must return the same value for identical triples in order to produce consistent results between invocations. See TRIPLE_BNODE_MAPPER.

        vf - the ValueFactory to use for creating statements.
        reifiedIdMapper - the mapper Function from Triple to Resource.
        st - the Statement to convert,
        consumer - the Consumer function for the produced statements.