Class ParsedUpdate

  • public class ParsedUpdate
    extends ParsedOperation
    A parsed update sequence formulated in the OpenRDF query algebra.
    Jeen Broekstra
    • Constructor Detail

      • ParsedUpdate

        public ParsedUpdate()
        Creates a new update sequence. To complete this update sequence, one or more update expressions need to be supplied to it using addUpdateExpr(UpdateExpr).
      • ParsedUpdate

        public ParsedUpdate​(String sourceString)
      • ParsedUpdate

        public ParsedUpdate​(Map<String,​String> namespaces)
        Creates a new update sequence. To complete this update sequence, one or update expressions need to be supplied to it using addUpdateExpr(UpdateExpr).
        namespaces - A mapping of namespace prefixes to namespace names representing the namespaces that are used in the update.
    • Method Detail

      • addUpdateExpr

        public void addUpdateExpr​(UpdateExpr updateExpr)
      • map

        public void map​(UpdateExpr updateExpr,
                        Dataset dataset)
        updateExpr - The updateExpr to map to a dataset.
        dataset - the dataset that applies to the updateExpr. May be null.
      • getDatasetMapping

        public Map<UpdateExpr,​Dataset> getDatasetMapping()
        Returns the map of update expressions and associated datasets.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object