Package org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references

Lightweight representations for the various JvmTypeReference which offer some rich API. Lightweight type references that are not forced to be contained in a unique container but can be used independently from EMF containment constraints. Most clients should never be forced to use an interface different of the LightweightTypeReference. It offers various methods to be introspected, converted or explored. Main use cases that are already adressed on this primary API are
  • Query for assignability
  • Obtain super types and explore the type hierarchy
  • Convert to synonyms, e.g. lists or arrays
  • Compute the bounds of a reference
Even though a lightweight type reference may be used in various places, there exists the notion of an owner. The owner offers access to a resource set and some services that allow to customize the beviour and logic of type references by means of Google guice. That's why all references must be associated with such an owner.