Interface IFeatureCallArguments

    • Method Detail

      • hasUnprocessedArguments

        boolean hasUnprocessedArguments()
      • getArgument

        XExpression getArgument​(int idx)
        Returns the argument expression at index idx. If there is a receiver, the index 0 returns null.
      • getDeclaredTypeForLambda

        LightweightTypeReference getDeclaredTypeForLambda​(int idx)
        Returns the declared parameter type for the argument at index idx. The semantics are similar to getArgument(int) except for var arg parameters. Var arg parameters always return the component type of the last argument if asked for the type of the last or variable argument.
      • getArgumentCount

        int getArgumentCount()
        Returns the number of argument expressions where the receiver is considered to be an argument, too.
      • isProcessed

        boolean isProcessed​(int argumentIndex)
      • hasEmptyTrailingVarArg

        boolean hasEmptyTrailingVarArg()