Class StandardLanguage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IGuiceAwareGeneratorComponent, IXtextGeneratorFragment, IXtextGeneratorLanguage

    public class StandardLanguage
    extends XtextGeneratorLanguage
    This specialization of the XtextGeneratorLanguage adds all the standard generator fragments that are commonly used for Xtext languages. This eliminates the need to list all these fragments explicitly in the workflow file. More fragments can be added as required, but the standard fragments cannot be removed. However, most of these fragments disable themselves automatically if they are not applicable, e.g. the WebIntegrationFragment does not generate anything if the web project is disabled in the project configuration.

    The configuration for individual fragments can be made with the corresponding properties. For example, write

     formatter = formatting.Formatter2Fragment2 {
         generateStub = true
    to enable stub generation for the formatter.

    This class should not be extended by clients.