Class NodeModelUtils

  • public class NodeModelUtils
    extends InternalNodeModelUtils
    The NodeModelUtils are a collection of useful methods when dealing with the node model directly. They encapsulate the default construction semantics of the node model as it is created by the parser. This API is quite low level and internal functionality of the framework relies on the implemented contracts. Clients should rather use the language specific APIs that provide almost the same functionality, e.g. ILocationInFileProvider and EObjectAtOffsetHelper if they want to access the region of a semantic object.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NodeModelUtils

        public NodeModelUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • findLeafNodeAtOffset

        public static ILeafNode findLeafNodeAtOffset​(INode node,
                                                     int leafNodeOffset)
        Find the leaf node at the given offset. May return null if the given offset is not valid for the node (sub-)tree. A node matches the leafNodeOffset if it fulfills the following condition:
          node.totalOffset <= leafNodeOffset &&
          node.totalEndOffset > leafNodeOffset 
        node - the container node. May not be null.
        leafNodeOffset - the offset that is covered by the searched node.
        the leaf node at the given offset or null.
      • getLineAndColumn

        public static org.eclipse.xtext.util.LineAndColumn getLineAndColumn​(INode anyNode,
                                                                            int documentOffset)
        Compute the line and column information at the given offset from any node that belongs to the document. The line is one-based, e.g. the first line has the line number '1'. The line break belongs to the line that it breaks. In other words, the first line break in the document also has the line number '1'. The column number starts at '1', too. In effect, the document offset '0' will always return line '1' and column '1'. If the given documentOffset points exactly to anyNode.root.text.length, it's assumed to be a virtual character thus the offset is valid and the column and line information is returned as if it was there. This contract is in sync with Resource.Diagnostic.
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the document offset does not belong to the document, documentOffset < 0 || documentOffset > anyNode.rootNode.text.length
      • getNode

        public static ICompositeNode getNode​(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject object)
        Returns the node that is directly associated with the given object by means of an EMF-Adapter.
        object - the semantic object whose direct node should be provided.
        the node that is directly associated with the given object.
        See Also:
      • findNodesForFeature

        public static java.util.List<INode> findNodesForFeature​(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject semanticObject,
                                                                org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature structuralFeature)
        Returns the list of nodes that were used to assign values to the given feature for the given object.
        the list of nodes that were used to assign values to the given feature for the given object.
      • findActualNodeFor

        public static ICompositeNode findActualNodeFor​(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject semanticObject)

        Returns the node that covers all assigned values of the given object. It handles the semantics of actions and unassigned rule calls. The returned node will include unassigned surrounding leafs, e.g. if you use something like Parenthesized expressions redundant parentheses will be part of the returned node.

        Consider the following simple expression (a number literal):

        Assuming it was parsed from a grammar like this:
         Expression: Number | Parentheses;
         Parentheses: '(' Expression ')';
         Number: value=INT
        The actual node for the only semantic object that was produced from the input ((1)) is the root node even though the minimal node would be the one with the text 1.
        semanticObject - the semantic object whose node should be provided.
        the node that covers all assigned values of the given object.
      • findActualSemanticObjectFor

        public static org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject findActualSemanticObjectFor​(INode node)
        Returns the semantic object that is really associated with the actual container node of the given node. It handles the structural semantics that results from Actions and unassigned rule calls.
        the semantic object that is really associated with the actual container node of the given node.
      • compactDump

        public static java.lang.String compactDump​(INode node,
                                                   boolean showHidden)
        Creates a string representation of the given node. Useful for debugging.
        a debug string for the given node.
      • getTokenText

        public static java.lang.String getTokenText​(INode node)
        This method converts a node to text. Leading and trailing text from hidden tokens (whitespace/comments) is removed. Text from hidden tokens that is surrounded by text from non-hidden tokens is summarized to a single whitespace. The preferred use case of this method is to convert the ICompositeNode that has been created for a data type rule to text. This is also the recommended way to convert a node to text if you want to invoke IValueConverterService.toValue(String, String, INode)
      • getEntryParserRule

        public static ParserRule getEntryParserRule​(INode node)