Interface IUnorderedGroupHelper

    • Method Detail

      • initializeWith

        void initializeWith​(org.antlr.runtime.BaseRecognizer recognizer)
        Initializes this helper with the given recognizer.
      • enter

        void enter​(UnorderedGroup group)
        Invoke when the group is entered in the parser. Access to any other querying method is answered optimistically.
      • leave

        void leave​(UnorderedGroup group)
        Leave the group. May not be called before enter.
      • canSelect

        boolean canSelect​(UnorderedGroup group,
                          int index)
        Predicate to answer the question whether the given alternative may be used.
      • select

        void select​(UnorderedGroup group,
                    int index)
        Announce the usage of the given alternative.
      • returnFromSelection

        void returnFromSelection​(UnorderedGroup group)
        Finish the previously selected alternative.
      • canLeave

        boolean canLeave​(UnorderedGroup group)
        Query for remaining mandatory alternatives.