Interface Issue

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Issue
    This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
    This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
    • Method Detail

      • getMessage

        java.lang.String getMessage()
      • getCode

        java.lang.String getCode()
      • getUriToProblem

        org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI getUriToProblem()
      • getLineNumber

        java.lang.Integer getLineNumber()
        Returns the one-based line number of the issue. Values smaller than 1 and null values are invalid and indicate the absence of line information on this issue.
      • getLineNumberEnd

        java.lang.Integer getLineNumberEnd()
        Returns the one-based line number of the end of the issue. Values smaller than 1 and null values are invalid and indicate the absence of line information on this issue.
      • getColumn

        java.lang.Integer getColumn()
        Returns the column in the line of the issue. It's not the virtual column but literally the character offset in the column, e.g. tab ('\t') counts as one character. The first char in a line has column number 1, the number is one-based. Values smaller than 1 and null values are invalid and indicate the absence of column information on this issue. The region defined by line and column information includes the character at the start column.
      • getColumnEnd

        java.lang.Integer getColumnEnd()
        Returns the end column in the line of the issue. It's not the virtual end column but literally the character end offset in the column, e.g. tab ('\t') counts as one character. The first char in a line has column number 1, the number is one-based. Values smaller than 1 and null values are invalid and indicate the absence of column information on this issue. The region defined by line and column information does not include the character at the end column.
      • getOffset

        java.lang.Integer getOffset()
      • getLength

        java.lang.Integer getLength()
      • isSyntaxError

        boolean isSyntaxError()
      • getData

        java.lang.String[] getData()
        the associated user data. May be null or empty but may not contain null entries.