Interface Customization

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClassCustomization, ContainerCustomization, CreatorCustomization, PropertyCustomization

public interface Customization
Customization configuration for class or field. Configuration parsed from annotation is put here. Immutable.
  • Method Details

    • getSerializeNumberFormatter

      JsonbNumberFormatter getSerializeNumberFormatter()
      Number formatter for formatting numbers during serialization process. It could be the same formatter instance used for deserialization (returned by getDeserializeNumberFormatter()
      number formatter
    • getDeserializeNumberFormatter

      JsonbNumberFormatter getDeserializeNumberFormatter()
      Number formatter for formatting numbers during deserialization process. It could be the same formatter instance used for serialization (returned by getSerializeNumberFormatter()
      number formatter
    • getSerializeDateFormatter

      JsonbDateFormatter getSerializeDateFormatter()
      Date formatter for formatting date values during serialization process. It could be the same formatter instance used for deserialization (returned by getDeserializeDateFormatter(). If not set, defaulted to javax.json.bind.annotation .JsonbDateFormat.DEFAULT_FORMAT.
      date formatter
    • getDeserializeDateFormatter

      JsonbDateFormatter getDeserializeDateFormatter()
      Date formatter for formatting date values during deserialization process. It could be the same formatter instance used for serialization (returned by getSerializeDateFormatter(). If not set, defaulted to javax.json.bind.annotation .JsonbDateFormat.DEFAULT_FORMAT.
      date formatter
    • isNillable

      boolean isNillable()
      Returns true if nillable customization is present.
      True if nillable customization is present.