Class PropertyCustomization

All Implemented Interfaces:
ComponentBoundCustomization, Customization

public class PropertyCustomization extends Object
Customization for a property of a class.
  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static PropertyCustomization.Builder builder()
    • getJsonReadName

      public String getJsonReadName()
      Name if specified for property setter with JsonbProperty.
      read name
    • getJsonWriteName

      public String getJsonWriteName()
      Name if specified for property getter with JsonbProperty.
      write name
    • getSerializeNumberFormatter

      public JsonbNumberFormatter getSerializeNumberFormatter()
      Description copied from interface: Customization
      Number formatter for formatting numbers during serialization process. It could be the same formatter instance used for deserialization (returned by Customization.getDeserializeNumberFormatter()
      number formatter
    • getDeserializeNumberFormatter

      public JsonbNumberFormatter getDeserializeNumberFormatter()
      Description copied from interface: Customization
      Number formatter for formatting numbers during deserialization process. It could be the same formatter instance used for serialization (returned by Customization.getSerializeNumberFormatter()
      number formatter
    • getSerializeDateFormatter

      public JsonbDateFormatter getSerializeDateFormatter()
      Description copied from interface: Customization
      Date formatter for formatting date values during serialization process. It could be the same formatter instance used for deserialization (returned by Customization.getDeserializeDateFormatter(). If not set, defaulted to jakarta.json.bind.annotation .JsonbDateFormat.DEFAULT_FORMAT.
      date formatter
    • getDeserializeDateFormatter

      public JsonbDateFormatter getDeserializeDateFormatter()
      Description copied from interface: Customization
      Date formatter for formatting date values during deserialization process. It could be the same formatter instance used for serialization (returned by Customization.getSerializeDateFormatter(). If not set, defaulted to jakarta.json.bind.annotation .JsonbDateFormat.DEFAULT_FORMAT.
      date formatter
    • isReadTransient

      public boolean isReadTransient()
      The flag indicating whether the value of the underlying type/property should be processed during serialization process or not.
      true indicates that the underlying type/property should be included in serialization process and false indicates it should not
    • isWriteTransient

      public boolean isWriteTransient()
      The flag indicating whether the value of the underlying type/property should be processed during deserialization process or not.
      true indicates that the underlying type/property should be included in deserialization process and false indicates it should not
    • getImplementationClass

      public Class<?> getImplementationClass()
      Implementation class if property is interface type.
      class implementing property interface
    • getDeserializeAdapterBinding

      public AdapterBinding getDeserializeAdapterBinding()
      Specified by:
      getDeserializeAdapterBinding in interface ComponentBoundCustomization
      Adapter wrapper class with resolved generic information.
    • getSerializeAdapterBinding

      public AdapterBinding getSerializeAdapterBinding()
      Specified by:
      getSerializeAdapterBinding in interface ComponentBoundCustomization
      Adapter wrapper class with resolved generic information.
    • isNillable

      public boolean isNillable()
      Returns true if nillable customization is present.
      Specified by:
      isNillable in interface Customization
      True if nillable customization is present.
    • getSerializerBinding

      public SerializerBinding<?> getSerializerBinding()
      Serializer wrapper with resolved generic info.
      Specified by:
      getSerializerBinding in interface ComponentBoundCustomization
      serializer wrapper
    • getDeserializerBinding

      public DeserializerBinding<?> getDeserializerBinding()
      Deserializer wrapper with resolved generic info.
      Specified by:
      getDeserializerBinding in interface ComponentBoundCustomization
      deserializer wrapper