

package sprayjson

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. sprayjson
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait BigNumberMarshalling extends AnyRef

    Alternative to spray.json.BasicFormats JsNumber marshalling.

  2. trait BsonMarshalling[T] extends RootJsonFormat[T]

    Allows special types to be marshalled into a meta JSON language which allows ScalaD Mongo serialisation to convert into the correct BSON representation for database persistence.

  3. trait DateMarshalling extends AnyRef

  4. trait Implicits extends SprayJsonConvertors

  5. implicit class JsObjectBuilder[V] extends DefaultJsonProtocol

  6. implicit class JsObjectMonoidalMappend extends DefaultJsonProtocol

  7. case class NoParamCaseClassFormat[T](instance: T) extends RootJsonFormat[T] with Product with Serializable

  8. trait NullMarshalling extends AnyRef

  9. case class SingleValueCaseClassFormat[T <: AnyRef { def value: V }, V](construct: (V) ⇒ T)(implicit delegate: JsonFormat[V]) extends RootJsonFormat[T] with Product with Serializable

    Flattens the JSON representation of a case class that contains a single value element from:

  10. trait SprayJsonConvertors extends UuidChecker with UuidMarshalling with DateMarshalling

  11. class SprayJsonSerialisation[T] extends MongoSerialiser[T] with SprayJsonConvertors with JavaLogging

    Uses spray-json to serialise/deserialise database objects directly from JsObject -> DBObject.

  12. class SprayMongo extends Implicits with JavaLogging

    Forwards all requests to the ScalaD API, independent of the Java MongoDB API.

  13. class SprayMongoCollection[T] extends CollectionProvider[T] with Implicits with JavaLogging

    MongoDB format for indexing fields, e.

  14. final case class StringBigDecimal(value: BigDecimal) extends Product with Serializable

    scala.math.BigDecimal wrapper that is marshalled to String and can therefore be persisted into MongoDB

  15. final case class StringBigInt(value: BigInt) extends Product with Serializable

    scala.math.BigInt wrapper that is marshalled to String and can therefore be persisted into MongoDB

  16. trait UriMarshalling extends AnyRef

  17. trait UuidMarshalling extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. def $[V](elements: V*)(implicit arg0: JsonFormat[V]): JsArray

  2. object BigNumberMarshalling

    Convenient implicit conversions

  3. object StringBigDecimal extends Serializable

  4. object StringBigInt extends Serializable

  5. implicit def jsonArrayWriter: JsonWriter[JsArray] { def write(value: spray.json.JsArray): spray.json.JsArray }

  6. implicit def jsonObjectWriter: JsonWriter[JsObject] { def write(value: spray.json.JsObject): spray.json.JsObject }

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
