

package mongo

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractProducerConsumer[T] extends ProducerConsumerIterator[T]

  2. final class BlockingProducerConsumer[T] extends AbstractProducerConsumer[T]

    Appropriate for memory constrained environments.

  3. trait CollectionProvider[T] extends AnyRef

    Access to a MongoDB DBCollection.

  4. trait ConsumerIterator[T] extends Iterator[T] with ParallelPaging[T]

    A very clean Iterator realisation of the Producer / Consumer pattern where the producer and consumer run in separate threads.

  5. trait FieldIdentityQueryBuilder[T, K] extends IdentityQueryBuilder[T]

    Provides a concept of identity that resembles a SQL field column

  6. trait FieldQueryBuilder[T, K] extends KeyQueryBuilder[T, K]

    Provides a read query that resembles SQL's SELECT a WHERE a.field = ....

  7. trait IdentityQueryBuilder[T] extends AnyRef

    Mechanism for finding an entry in the database which matches a query built from an archetype entity.

  8. trait IndexedCollectionProvider[T] extends CollectionProvider[T] with JavaLogging

    Easy way to add unique indexes to a Mongo collection.

  9. trait IsoDateChecker extends AnyRef

  10. trait KeyQueryBuilder[T, K] extends AnyRef

    Mechanism for finding an entry in the database which matches the query built up from a key.

  11. class LongFieldQuery[T] extends FieldQueryBuilder[T, Long]

    Syntactic sugar for org.eigengo.scalad.mongo.FieldQueryBuilder.

  12. trait MongoAggregate extends AnyRef

  13. trait MongoCount extends AnyRef

  14. trait MongoCreate extends AnyRef

    CREATE operations.

  15. trait MongoCreateOrUpdate extends AnyRef

    UPDATE OR CREATE Operations.

  16. class MongoCrud extends MongoCreate with MongoSearch with MongoUpdate with MongoDelete with MongoRead with MongoFind with MongoCreateOrUpdate with MongoModify with MongoAggregate with MongoCount

    Provides CRUD access to a MongoDB collection using client-provided implicits to:

  17. trait MongoDelete extends AnyRef

    DELETE operations.

  18. trait MongoFind extends AnyRef

    FIND operations – i.

  19. trait MongoModify extends AnyRef

  20. trait MongoRead extends AnyRef

    READ operations – i.

  21. trait MongoSearch extends JavaLogging

    Search using MongoDB DBObjects.

  22. trait MongoSerialiser[T] extends AnyRef

    Mechanism for converting to/from Scala types and MongoDB DBObjects.

  23. trait MongoUpdate extends AnyRef

    UPDATE Operations.

  24. final class NonblockingProducerConsumer[T] extends AbstractProducerConsumer[T]

    Appropriate in cases where the producer is not expected to create enough data to cause memory problems, regardless of consumption rate.

  25. trait Paging[T] extends AnyRef

  26. trait ParallelPaging[T] extends Paging[T]

  27. trait ProducerConsumerIterator[T] extends ConsumerIterator[T]

    The producer's side of org.eigengo.scalad.mongo.ConsumerIterator.

  28. class SerialisedFieldQueryBuilder[T, K] extends FieldQueryBuilder[T, K]

    Provides a read query using serialised fields.

  29. abstract class SerialisedIdentityQueryBuilder[T, K] extends FieldIdentityQueryBuilder[T, K]

    Provides a concept of identity that resembles a SQL field column, with serialisation on the field.

  30. class StringFieldQuery[T] extends FieldQueryBuilder[T, String]

    Syntactic sugar for org.eigengo.scalad.mongo.FieldQueryBuilder.

  31. case class TooManyResults(query: DBObject) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    Search returned too many results.

  32. trait UuidChecker extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Implicits

    These implicits make the MongoDB API nicer to use, for example by allowing JSON search queries to be passed instead of DBObjects.

  2. object IndexedCollectionProvider

  3. package sprayjson
