Class ElasticsearchAssertions


public class ElasticsearchAssertions extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • ElasticsearchAssertions

      public ElasticsearchAssertions()
  • Method Details

    • assertAcked

      public static void assertAcked(AcknowledgedRequestBuilder<?,?,?> builder)
    • assertNoTimeout

      public static void assertNoTimeout(ClusterHealthRequestBuilder requestBuilder)
    • assertNoTimeout

      public static void assertNoTimeout(ClusterHealthResponse response)
    • assertAcked

      public static void assertAcked(AcknowledgedResponse response)
    • assertAcked

      public static void assertAcked(DeleteIndexRequestBuilder builder)
    • assertAcked

      public static void assertAcked(CreateIndexResponse response)
      Assert that an index creation was fully acknowledged, meaning that both the index creation cluster state update was successful and that the requisite number of shard copies were started before returning.
    • assertBlocked

      public static void assertBlocked(ActionRequestBuilder<?,?> builder)
      Executes the request and fails if the request has not been blocked.
      builder - the request builder
    • assertBlocked

      public static void assertBlocked(BroadcastResponse replicatedBroadcastResponse)
      Checks that all shard requests of a replicated broadcast request failed due to a cluster block
      replicatedBroadcastResponse - the response that should only contain failed shard responses
    • assertBlocked

      public static void assertBlocked(ActionRequestBuilder<?,?> builder, @Nullable Integer expectedBlockId)
      Executes the request and fails if the request has not been blocked by a specific ClusterBlock.
      builder - the request builder
      expectedBlockId - the expected block id
    • assertBlocked

      public static void assertBlocked(ActionRequestBuilder<?,?> builder, @Nullable ClusterBlock expectedBlock)
      Executes the request and fails if the request has not been blocked by a specific ClusterBlock.
      builder - the request builder
      expectedBlock - the expected block
    • formatShardStatus

      public static String formatShardStatus(BroadcastResponse response)
    • formatShardStatus

      public static String formatShardStatus(SearchResponse response)
    • assertNoSearchHits

      public static void assertNoSearchHits(SearchResponse searchResponse)
    • assertSearchHits

      public static void assertSearchHits(SearchResponse searchResponse, String... ids)
    • assertSortValues

      public static void assertSortValues(SearchResponse searchResponse, Object[]... sortValues)
    • assertOrderedSearchHits

      public static void assertOrderedSearchHits(SearchResponse searchResponse, String... ids)
    • assertHitCount

      public static void assertHitCount(SearchResponse countResponse, long expectedHitCount)
    • assertExists

      public static void assertExists(GetResponse response)
    • assertFirstHit

      public static void assertFirstHit(SearchResponse searchResponse, org.hamcrest.Matcher<SearchHit> matcher)
    • assertSecondHit

      public static void assertSecondHit(SearchResponse searchResponse, org.hamcrest.Matcher<SearchHit> matcher)
    • assertThirdHit

      public static void assertThirdHit(SearchResponse searchResponse, org.hamcrest.Matcher<SearchHit> matcher)
    • assertFourthHit

      public static void assertFourthHit(SearchResponse searchResponse, org.hamcrest.Matcher<SearchHit> matcher)
    • assertSearchHit

      public static void assertSearchHit(SearchResponse searchResponse, int number, org.hamcrest.Matcher<SearchHit> matcher)
    • assertNoFailures

      public static void assertNoFailures(SearchResponse searchResponse)
    • assertFailures

      public static void assertFailures(SearchResponse searchResponse)
    • assertNoFailures

      public static void assertNoFailures(BulkResponse response)
    • assertFailures

      public static void assertFailures(SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder, RestStatus restStatus, org.hamcrest.Matcher<String> reasonMatcher)
    • assertNoFailures

      public static void assertNoFailures(BroadcastResponse response)
    • assertAllSuccessful

      public static void assertAllSuccessful(BroadcastResponse response)
    • assertAllSuccessful

      public static void assertAllSuccessful(SearchResponse response)
    • assertHighlight

      public static void assertHighlight(SearchResponse resp, int hit, String field, int fragment, org.hamcrest.Matcher<String> matcher)
    • assertHighlight

      public static void assertHighlight(SearchResponse resp, int hit, String field, int fragment, int totalFragments, org.hamcrest.Matcher<String> matcher)
    • assertHighlight

      public static void assertHighlight(SearchHit hit, String field, int fragment, org.hamcrest.Matcher<String> matcher)
    • assertHighlight

      public static void assertHighlight(SearchHit hit, String field, int fragment, int totalFragments, org.hamcrest.Matcher<String> matcher)
    • assertNotHighlighted

      public static void assertNotHighlighted(SearchResponse resp, int hit, String field)
    • assertSuggestionSize

      public static void assertSuggestionSize(Suggest searchSuggest, int entry, int size, String key)
    • assertSuggestionPhraseCollateMatchExists

      public static void assertSuggestionPhraseCollateMatchExists(Suggest searchSuggest, String key, int numberOfPhraseExists)
    • assertSuggestion

      public static void assertSuggestion(Suggest searchSuggest, int entry, int ord, String key, String text)
    • assertSuggestion

      public static void assertSuggestion(Suggest searchSuggest, int entry, String key, String... text)
      Assert suggestion returns exactly the provided text.
    • assertSuggestion

      public static void assertSuggestion(Suggest searchSuggest, int entry, String key, int size, String... text)
      Assert suggestion returns size suggestions and the first are the provided text.
    • assertIndexTemplateMissing

      public static void assertIndexTemplateMissing(GetIndexTemplatesResponse templatesResponse, String name)
      Assert that an index template is missing
    • assertIndexTemplateExists

      public static void assertIndexTemplateExists(GetIndexTemplatesResponse templatesResponse, String name)
      Assert that an index template exists
    • assertAliasesMissing

      public static void assertAliasesMissing(AliasesExistResponse aliasesExistResponse)
      Assert that aliases are missing
    • assertAliasesExist

      public static void assertAliasesExist(AliasesExistResponse aliasesExistResponse)
      Assert that aliases exist
    • hasId

      public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<SearchHit> hasId(String id)
    • hasType

      public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<SearchHit> hasType(String type)
    • hasIndex

      public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<SearchHit> hasIndex(String index)
    • hasScore

      public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<SearchHit> hasScore(float score)
    • hasProperty

      public static <T, V> org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher<T> hasProperty(Function<? super T,? extends V> property, org.hamcrest.Matcher<V> valueMatcher)
    • fieldFromSource

      public static Function<SearchHit,Object> fieldFromSource(String fieldName)
    • assertBooleanSubQuery

      public static <T extends> T assertBooleanSubQuery( query, Class<T> subqueryType, int i)
    • assertRequestBuilderThrows

      public static <E extends Throwable> void assertRequestBuilderThrows(ActionRequestBuilder<?,?> builder, Class<E> exceptionClass)
      Run the request from a given builder and check that it throws an exception of the right type
    • assertRequestBuilderThrows

      public static <E extends Throwable> void assertRequestBuilderThrows(ActionRequestBuilder<?,?> builder, Class<E> exceptionClass, RestStatus status)
      Run the request from a given builder and check that it throws an exception of the right type, with a given RestStatus
    • assertRequestBuilderThrows

      public static <E extends Throwable> void assertRequestBuilderThrows(ActionRequestBuilder<?,?> builder, Class<E> exceptionClass, String extraInfo)
      Run the request from a given builder and check that it throws an exception of the right type
      extraInfo - extra information to add to the failure message
    • assertFutureThrows

      public static <E extends Throwable> void assertFutureThrows(ActionFuture<?> future, Class<E> exceptionClass)
      Run future.actionGet() and check that it throws an exception of the right type
    • assertFutureThrows

      public static <E extends Throwable> void assertFutureThrows(ActionFuture<?> future, Class<E> exceptionClass, RestStatus status)
      Run future.actionGet() and check that it throws an exception of the right type, with a given RestStatus
    • assertFutureThrows

      public static <E extends Throwable> void assertFutureThrows(ActionFuture<?> future, Class<E> exceptionClass, String extraInfo)
      Run future.actionGet() and check that it throws an exception of the right type
      extraInfo - extra information to add to the failure message
    • assertFutureThrows

      public static <E extends Throwable> void assertFutureThrows(ActionFuture<?> future, Class<E> exceptionClass, @Nullable RestStatus status, @Nullable String extraInfo)
      Run future.actionGet() and check that it throws an exception of the right type, optionally checking the exception's rest status
      exceptionClass - expected exception class
      status - RestStatus to check for. Can be null to disable the check
      extraInfo - extra information to add to the failure message. Can be null.
    • assertRequestBuilderThrows

      public static void assertRequestBuilderThrows(ActionRequestBuilder<?,?> builder, RestStatus status)
    • assertRequestBuilderThrows

      public static void assertRequestBuilderThrows(ActionRequestBuilder<?,?> builder, RestStatus status, String extraInfo)
    • assertFutureThrows

      public static void assertFutureThrows(ActionFuture<?> future, RestStatus status)
    • assertFutureThrows

      public static void assertFutureThrows(ActionFuture<?> future, RestStatus status, String extraInfo)
    • assertSearchResponse

      public static SearchResponse assertSearchResponse(SearchRequestBuilder request)
      Applies basic assertions on the SearchResponse. This method checks if all shards were successful, if any of the shards threw an exception and if the response is serializable.
    • assertSearchResponse

      public static SearchResponse assertSearchResponse(SearchResponse response)
      Applies basic assertions on the SearchResponse. This method checks if all shards were successful, if any of the shards threw an exception and if the response is serializable.
    • assertFileExists

      public static void assertFileExists(Path file)
      Check if a file exists
    • assertFileNotExists

      public static void assertFileNotExists(Path file)
      Check if a file does not exist
    • assertToXContentEquivalent

      public static void assertToXContentEquivalent(BytesReference expected, BytesReference actual, org.elasticsearch.xcontent.XContentType xContentType) throws IOException
      Asserts that the provided BytesReferences created through ToXContent.toXContent(XContentBuilder, ToXContent.Params) hold the same content. The comparison is done by parsing both into a map and comparing those two, so that keys ordering doesn't matter. Also binary values (byte[]) are properly compared through arrays comparisons.
    • awaitLatch

      public static void awaitLatch(CountDownLatch latch, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException
      Wait for a latch to countdown and provide a useful error message if it does not Often latches are called as assertTrue(latch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); In case of a failure this will just throw an assertion error without any further message
      latch - The latch to wait for
      timeout - The value of the timeout
      unit - The unit of the timeout
      InterruptedException - An exception if the waiting is interrupted