
Sections within the YAML tests that are executed to run the tests.
  • Interface Summary
    Represents a test fragment that can be executed (e.g.
  • Class Summary
    Represents a test fragment that contains the information needed to call an api
    Base class for executable sections that hold assertions
    Represents a test section, which is composed of a skip section and multiple executable sections.
    Holds a REST test suite loaded from a specific yaml file.
    Represents a close_to assert section: - close_to: { get.fields._routing: { value: 5.1, error: 0.00001 } }
    Represents a do section: - do: catch: missing headers: Authorization: Basic user:pass Content-Type: application/json warnings|warnings_regex: - Stuff is deprecated, yo - Don't use deprecated stuff - Please, stop.
    Represents a gt assert section:
    Represents a gte assert section: - gte: { fields._ttl: 0 }
    Represents an is_false assert section: - is_false:
    Represents an is_true assert section: - is_true:
    Represents a length assert section:
    Represents a lt assert section: - lt: { fields._ttl: 20000}
    Represents a lte assert section: - lte: { fields._ttl: 0 }
    Represents a match assert section: - match: { get.fields._routing: "5" }
    Represents a set section: - set: {_scroll_id: scroll_id}
    Represents a setup section.
    Represents a skip section that tells whether a specific test section or suite needs to be skipped based on: - the elasticsearch version the tests are running against - a specific test feature required that might not be implemented yet by the runner - an operating system (full name, including specific Linux distributions) that might show a certain behavior
    Represents a transform_and_set section: