Class ClusterStateCreationUtils


public class ClusterStateCreationUtils extends Object
Helper methods for generating cluster states
  • Constructor Details

    • ClusterStateCreationUtils

      public ClusterStateCreationUtils()
  • Method Details

    • state

      public static ClusterState state(String index, boolean activePrimaryLocal, ShardRoutingState primaryState, ShardRoutingState... replicaStates)
      Creates cluster state with and index that has one shard and #(replicaStates) replicas
      index - name of the index
      activePrimaryLocal - if active primary should coincide with the local node in the cluster state
      primaryState - state of primary
      replicaStates - states of the replicas. length of this array determines also the number of replicas
    • state

      public static ClusterState state(String index, int numberOfNodes, int numberOfPrimaries)
      Creates cluster state with an index that has #(numberOfPrimaries) primary shards in the started state and no replicas. The cluster state contains #(numberOfNodes) nodes and assigns primaries to those nodes.
    • state

      public static ClusterState state(int numberOfNodes, String[] indices, int numberOfPrimaries)
      Creates cluster state with the given indices, each index containing #(numberOfPrimaries) started primary shards and no replicas. The cluster state contains #(numberOfNodes) nodes and assigns primaries to those nodes.
    • stateWithAssignedPrimariesAndOneReplica

      public static ClusterState stateWithAssignedPrimariesAndOneReplica(String index, int numberOfShards)
      Creates cluster state with several shards and one replica and all shards STARTED.
    • stateWithAssignedPrimariesAndReplicas

      public static ClusterState stateWithAssignedPrimariesAndReplicas(String[] indices, int numberOfShards, int numberOfReplicas)
      Creates cluster state with several indexes, shards and replicas and all shards STARTED.
    • stateWithActivePrimary

      public static ClusterState stateWithActivePrimary(String index, boolean activePrimaryLocal, int numberOfReplicas)
      Creates cluster state with and index that has one shard and as many replicas as numberOfReplicas. Primary will be STARTED in cluster state but replicas will be one of UNASSIGNED, INITIALIZING, STARTED or RELOCATING.
      index - name of the index
      activePrimaryLocal - if active primary should coincide with the local node in the cluster state
      numberOfReplicas - number of replicas
    • stateWithActivePrimary

      public static ClusterState stateWithActivePrimary(String index, boolean activePrimaryLocal, int assignedReplicas, int unassignedReplicas)
      Creates cluster state with and index that has one shard and as many replicas as numberOfReplicas. Primary will be STARTED in cluster state. Some (unassignedReplicas) will be UNASSIGNED and some (assignedReplicas) will be one of INITIALIZING, STARTED or RELOCATING.
      index - name of the index
      activePrimaryLocal - if active primary should coincide with the local node in the cluster state
      assignedReplicas - number of replicas that should have INITIALIZING, STARTED or RELOCATING state
      unassignedReplicas - number of replicas that should be unassigned
    • stateWithNoShard

      public static ClusterState stateWithNoShard()
      Creates a cluster state with no index
    • state

      public static ClusterState state(DiscoveryNode localNode, DiscoveryNode masterNode, DiscoveryNode... allNodes)
      Creates a cluster state where local node and master node can be specified
      localNode - node in allNodes that is the local node
      masterNode - node in allNodes that is the master node. Can be null if no master exists
      allNodes - all nodes in the cluster
      cluster state
    • state

      public static ClusterState state(DiscoveryNode localNode, DiscoveryNode masterNode, DiscoveryNode healthNode, DiscoveryNode... allNodes)
      Creates a cluster state where local node, master and health node can be specified
      localNode - node in allNodes that is the local node
      masterNode - node in allNodes that is the master node. Can be null if no master exists
      healthNode - node in allNodes that is the health node. Can be null if no health node exists
      allNodes - all nodes in the cluster
      cluster state