Class NetworkDisruption.NetworkLinkDisruptionType

Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class NetworkDisruption.NetworkLinkDisruptionType extends Object
Abstract class representing various types of network disruptions. Instances of this class override the applyDisruption(org.elasticsearch.test.transport.MockTransportService, org.elasticsearch.test.transport.MockTransportService) method to apply their specific disruption type to requests that are send from a source to a target node.
  • Constructor Details

    • NetworkLinkDisruptionType

      public NetworkLinkDisruptionType()
  • Method Details

    • applyDisruption

      public abstract void applyDisruption(MockTransportService sourceTransportService, MockTransportService targetTransportService)
      Applies network disruption for requests send from the node represented by the source transport service to the node represented by the target transport service.
      sourceTransportService - source transport service from which requests are sent
      targetTransportService - target transport service to which requests are sent
    • removeDisruption

      public void removeDisruption(MockTransportService sourceTransportService, MockTransportService targetTransportService)
      sourceTransportService - source transport service from which requests are sent
      targetTransportService - target transport service to which requests are sent
    • expectedTimeToHeal

      public org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue expectedTimeToHeal()
      Returns expected time to heal after disruption has been removed. Defaults to instant healing.