AbstractQueryBuilder<QB extends AbstractQueryBuilder<QB>> |
Base class for all classes producing lucene queries.
BaseTermQueryBuilder<QB extends BaseTermQueryBuilder<QB>> |
BoolQueryBuilder |
A Query that matches documents matching boolean combinations of other queries.
BoostingQueryBuilder |
The BoostingQuery class can be used to effectively demote results that match a given query.
CommonTermsQueryBuilder |
CommonTermsQuery query is a query that executes high-frequency terms in a
optional sub-query to prevent slow queries due to "common" terms like
ConstantScoreQueryBuilder |
A query that wraps a filter and simply returns a constant score equal to the
query boost for every document in the filter.
DisMaxQueryBuilder |
A query that generates the union of documents produced by its sub-queries, and that scores each document
with the maximum score for that document as produced by any sub-query, plus a tie breaking increment for any
additional matching sub-queries.
ExistsQueryBuilder |
Constructs a query that only match on documents that the field has a value in them.
FieldMaskingSpanQueryBuilder |
FuzzyQueryBuilder |
A Query that does fuzzy matching for a specific value.
GeoBoundingBoxQueryBuilder |
Creates a Lucene query that will filter for all documents that lie within the specified
bounding box.
GeoDistanceQueryBuilder |
Filter results of a query to include only those within a specific distance to some
geo point.
GeoPolygonQueryBuilder |
GeoShapeQueryBuilder |
IdsQueryBuilder |
A query that will return only documents matching specific ids (and a type).
InnerHitBuilder |
InnerHitContextBuilder |
MatchAllQueryBuilder |
A query that matches on all documents.
MatchNoneQueryBuilder |
A query that matches no document.
MatchPhrasePrefixQueryBuilder |
Match query is a query that analyzes the text and constructs a phrase prefix
query as the result of the analysis.
MatchPhraseQueryBuilder |
Match query is a query that analyzes the text and constructs a phrase query
as the result of the analysis.
MatchQueryBuilder |
Match query is a query that analyzes the text and constructs a query as the
result of the analysis.
MoreLikeThisQueryBuilder |
A more like this query that finds documents that are "like" the provided set of document(s).
MoreLikeThisQueryBuilder.Item |
MultiMatchQueryBuilder |
NestedQueryBuilder |
ParsedQuery |
The result of parsing a query.
PrefixQueryBuilder |
A Query that matches documents containing terms with a specified prefix.
QueryBuilders |
Utility class to create search queries.
QueryRewriteContext |
Context object used to rewrite QueryBuilder instances into simplified version.
QueryShardContext |
Context object used to create lucene queries on the shard level.
QueryStringQueryBuilder |
A query that parses a query string and runs it.
RangeQueryBuilder |
A Query that matches documents within an range of terms.
RegexpQueryBuilder |
A Query that does fuzzy matching for a specific value.
ScriptQueryBuilder |
SimpleQueryStringBuilder |
SimpleQuery is a query parser that acts similar to a query_string query, but
won't throw exceptions for any weird string syntax.
SpanContainingQueryBuilder |
Builder for SpanContainingQuery .
SpanFirstQueryBuilder |
SpanMultiTermQueryBuilder |
SpanNearQueryBuilder |
Matches spans which are near one another.
SpanNearQueryBuilder.SpanGapQueryBuilder |
SpanGapQueryBuilder enables gaps in a SpanNearQuery.
SpanNotQueryBuilder |
SpanOrQueryBuilder |
Span query that matches the union of its clauses.
SpanQueryBuilder.SpanQueryBuilderUtil |
SpanTermQueryBuilder |
A Span Query that matches documents containing a term.
SpanWithinQueryBuilder |
Builder for SpanWithinQuery .
TermQueryBuilder |
A Query that matches documents containing a term.
TermsQueryBuilder |
A filter for a field based on several terms matching on any of them.
TermsSetQueryBuilder |
TypeQueryBuilder |
WildcardQueryBuilder |
Implements the wildcard search query.
WrapperQueryBuilder |
A Query builder which allows building a query given JSON string or binary data provided as input.