Class IndexingMemoryController

    • Field Detail


        public static final Setting<ByteSizeValue> INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE_SETTING
        How much heap (% or bytes) we will share across all actively indexing shards on this node (default: 10%).

        public static final Setting<ByteSizeValue> MIN_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE_SETTING
        Only applies when indices.memory.index_buffer_size is a %, to set a floor on the actual size in bytes (default: 48 MB).

        public static final Setting<ByteSizeValue> MAX_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE_SETTING
        Only applies when indices.memory.index_buffer_size is a %, to set a ceiling on the actual size in bytes (default: not set).

        public static final Setting<TimeValue> SHARD_INACTIVE_TIME_SETTING
        If we see no indexing operations after this much time for a given shard, we consider that shard inactive (default: 5 minutes).

        public static final Setting<TimeValue> SHARD_MEMORY_INTERVAL_TIME_SETTING
        How frequently we check indexing memory usage (default: 5 seconds).