Class PagedBytesReference

All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable<BytesReference>, BytesReference, ToXContent, ToXContentFragment

public class PagedBytesReference extends AbstractBytesReference
A page based bytes reference, internally holding the bytes in a paged data structure.
  • Method Details

    • get

      public byte get(int index)
      Description copied from interface: BytesReference
      Returns the byte at the specified index. Need to be between 0 and length.
    • slice

      public BytesReference slice(int from, int length)
      Description copied from interface: BytesReference
      Slice the bytes from the from index up to length.
    • toBytesRef

      public org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef toBytesRef()
      Description copied from interface: BytesReference
      Converts to Lucene BytesRef.
    • iterator

      public final org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRefIterator iterator()
      Description copied from interface: BytesReference
      Returns a BytesRefIterator for this BytesReference. This method allows access to the internal pages of this reference without copying them. Use with care!
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface BytesReference
      iterator in class AbstractBytesReference
      See Also:
      • BytesRefIterator
    • ramBytesUsed

      public long ramBytesUsed()
      Description copied from interface: BytesReference
      The amount of memory used by this BytesReference