Class SnapshotIndexCommit

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SnapshotIndexCommit extends AbstractRefCounted
A (closeable) IndexCommit plus ref-counting to keep track of active users, and with the facility to drop the "main" initial ref early if the shard snapshot is aborted.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • closeInternal

      protected void closeInternal()
      Specified by:
      closeInternal in class AbstractRefCounted
    • onAbort

      public void onAbort()
      Called to abort the snapshot while it's running: release the initial ref (if not already released).
    • indexCommit

      public org.apache.lucene.index.IndexCommit indexCommit()
    • closingBefore

      public <T> ActionListener<T> closingBefore(ActionListener<T> delegate)
      Returns a listener which closes this commit before completing the delegate listener, marshalling exceptions to the delegate as appropriate.