Class FetchProfiler


public class FetchProfiler extends Object
  • Field Details

    • NOOP

      static final NOOP
  • Constructor Details

    • FetchProfiler

      public FetchProfiler()
      Start profiling at the current time.
    • FetchProfiler

      public FetchProfiler(long nanoTime)
      Build the profiler starting at a fixed time.
  • Method Details

    • finish

      public ProfileResult finish()
      Finish profiling at the current time.
    • finish

      public ProfileResult finish(long nanoTime)
      Finish profiling at a fixed time.
    • visitor

      public void visitor(FieldsVisitor fieldsVisitor)
    • profile

      public FetchSubPhaseProcessor profile(String type, String description, FetchSubPhaseProcessor delegate)
    • startLoadingStoredFields

      public void startLoadingStoredFields()
    • stopLoadingStoredFields

      public void stopLoadingStoredFields()
    • startLoadingSource

      public void startLoadingSource()
    • stopLoadingSource

      public void stopLoadingSource()
    • startNextReader

      public void startNextReader()
    • stopNextReader

      public void stopNextReader()