Class RemoteClusterService

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable

public final class RemoteClusterService extends RemoteClusterAware implements Closeable
Basic service for accessing remote clusters via gateway nodes
  • Field Details


      public static final Setting<TimeValue> REMOTE_INITIAL_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SETTING
      The initial connect timeout for remote cluster connections

      public static final Setting<String> REMOTE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE
      The name of a node attribute to select nodes that should be connected to in the remote cluster. For instance a node can be configured with node.attr.gateway: true in order to be eligible as a gateway node between clusters. In that case cluster.remote.node.attr: gateway can be used to filter out other nodes in the remote cluster. The value of the setting is expected to be a boolean, true for nodes that can become gateways, false otherwise.

      public static final Setting.AffixSetting<Boolean> REMOTE_CLUSTER_SKIP_UNAVAILABLE

      public static final Setting.AffixSetting<TimeValue> REMOTE_CLUSTER_PING_SCHEDULE

      public static final Setting.AffixSetting<Compression.Enabled> REMOTE_CLUSTER_COMPRESS

      public static final Setting.AffixSetting<Compression.Scheme> REMOTE_CLUSTER_COMPRESSION_SCHEME
  • Method Details

    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
    • getLocalNode

      public DiscoveryNode getLocalNode()
    • isCrossClusterSearchEnabled

      public boolean isCrossClusterSearchEnabled()
      Returns true if at least one remote cluster is configured
    • groupIndices

      public Map<String,OriginalIndices> groupIndices(IndicesOptions indicesOptions, String[] indices)
    • getRegisteredRemoteClusterNames

      public Set<String> getRegisteredRemoteClusterNames()
      Returns the registered remote cluster names.
    • getConnection

      public Transport.Connection getConnection(DiscoveryNode node, String cluster)
      Returns a connection to the given node on the given remote cluster
      IllegalArgumentException - if the remote cluster is unknown
    • isSkipUnavailable

      public boolean isSkipUnavailable(String clusterAlias)
      Returns whether the cluster identified by the provided alias is configured to be skipped when unavailable
    • getConnection

      public Transport.Connection getConnection(String cluster)
    • listenForUpdates

      public void listenForUpdates(ClusterSettings clusterSettings)
      Description copied from class: RemoteClusterAware
      Registers this instance to listen to updates on the cluster settings.
      listenForUpdates in class RemoteClusterAware
    • updateRemoteCluster

      protected void updateRemoteCluster(String clusterAlias, Settings settings)
      Description copied from class: RemoteClusterAware
      Subclasses must implement this to receive information about updated cluster aliases.
      Specified by:
      updateRemoteCluster in class RemoteClusterAware
    • close

      public void close() throws IOException
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
    • getRemoteConnectionInfos

      public Stream<RemoteConnectionInfo> getRemoteConnectionInfos()
    • collectNodes

      public void collectNodes(Set<String> clusters, ActionListener<BiFunction<String,String,DiscoveryNode>> listener)
      Collects all nodes of the given clusters and returns / passes a (clusterAlias, nodeId) to DiscoveryNode function on success.
    • getRemoteClusterClient

      public Client getRemoteClusterClient(ThreadPool threadPool, String clusterAlias, boolean ensureConnected)
      Returns a client to the remote cluster if the given cluster alias exists.
      threadPool - the ThreadPool for the client
      clusterAlias - the cluster alias the remote cluster is registered under
      ensureConnected - whether requests should wait for a connection attempt when there isn't a connection available
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given clusterAlias doesn't exist
    • getRemoteClusterClient

      public Client getRemoteClusterClient(ThreadPool threadPool, String clusterAlias)
      Returns a client to the remote cluster if the given cluster alias exists.
      threadPool - the ThreadPool for the client
      clusterAlias - the cluster alias the remote cluster is registered under
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given clusterAlias doesn't exist