

package api

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class AddImportRefactorDesc(qualifiedName: String, file: File) extends RefactorDesc with Product with Serializable

  2. final case class ArchiveFile(jar: Path, entry: String) extends EnsimeFile with Product with Serializable

  3. final case class ArrowTypeInfo(name: String, fullName: String, resultType: TypeInfo, paramSections: Iterable[ParamSectionInfo], typeParams: List[TypeInfo]) extends TypeInfo with Product with Serializable

  4. final case class BasicTypeInfo(name: String, declAs: DeclaredAs, fullName: String, typeArgs: Iterable[TypeInfo], members: Iterable[EntityInfo], pos: Option[SourcePosition], typeParams: List[TypeInfo]) extends TypeInfo with Product with Serializable

  5. final case class Breakpoint(file: EnsimeFile, line: Int) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  6. final case class BreakpointList(active: List[Breakpoint], pending: List[Breakpoint]) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  7. final case class ClassInfo(scalaName: Option[String], fqn: String, declAs: DeclaredAs, sourcePosition: Option[SourcePosition]) extends Product with Serializable

  8. final case class CompletionInfo(typeInfo: Option[TypeInfo], name: String, relevance: Int, toInsert: Option[String], isInfix: Boolean = false) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  9. final case class CompletionInfoList(prefix: String, completions: List[CompletionInfo]) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  10. final case class CompletionsReq(fileInfo: SourceFileInfo, point: Int, maxResults: Int, caseSens: Boolean, reload: Boolean) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a CompletionInfoList.

  11. final case class ConnectionInfo(pid: Option[Int] = scala.None, implementation: EnsimeImplementation = ..., version: String = "1.9.6") extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  12. final case class DebugArrayElement(objectId: DebugObjectId, index: Int) extends DebugLocation with Product with Serializable

  13. final case class DebugArrayInstance(length: Int, typeName: String, elementTypeName: String, objectId: DebugObjectId) extends DebugValue with Product with Serializable

  14. final case class DebugAttachReq(hostname: String, port: String) extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with DebugVmStatus.

  15. final case class DebugBacktrace(frames: List[DebugStackFrame], threadId: DebugThreadId, threadName: String) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  16. final case class DebugBacktraceReq(threadId: DebugThreadId, index: Int, count: Int) extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a DebugBacktrace.

  17. final case class DebugBreakEvent(threadId: DebugThreadId, threadName: String, file: EnsimeFile, line: Int) extends DebugEvent with Product with Serializable

    The debugged VM has stopped at a breakpoint.

  18. final case class DebugClassField(index: Int, name: String, typeName: String, summary: String) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  19. final case class DebugClearBreakReq(file: EnsimeFile, line: Int) extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a VoidResponse.

  20. final case class DebugContinueReq(threadId: DebugThreadId) extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Request to continue the execution of the given thread.

  21. sealed trait DebugEvent extends EnsimeEvent

  22. final case class DebugExceptionEvent(exception: Long, threadId: DebugThreadId, threadName: String, file: Option[EnsimeFile], line: Option[Int]) extends DebugEvent with Product with Serializable

    The debugged VM has thrown an exception and is now paused waiting for control.

  23. final case class DebugLocateNameReq(threadId: DebugThreadId, name: String) extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a DebugLocation if successful, or FalseResponse.

  24. sealed trait DebugLocation extends RpcResponse

  25. final case class DebugNextReq(threadId: DebugThreadId) extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a FalseResponse or a TrueResponse.

  26. final case class DebugNullValue(typeName: String) extends DebugValue with Product with Serializable

  27. final case class DebugObjectField(objectId: DebugObjectId, field: String) extends DebugLocation with Product with Serializable

  28. final case class DebugObjectId(id: Long) extends Product with Serializable

  29. final case class DebugObjectInstance(summary: String, fields: List[DebugClassField], typeName: String, objectId: DebugObjectId) extends DebugValue with Product with Serializable

  30. final case class DebugObjectReference(objectId: DebugObjectId) extends DebugLocation with Product with Serializable

  31. final case class DebugOutputEvent(body: String) extends DebugEvent with Product with Serializable

    Communicates stdout/stderr of debugged VM to client.

  32. final case class DebugPrimitiveValue(summary: String, typeName: String) extends DebugValue with Product with Serializable

  33. final case class DebugSetBreakReq(file: EnsimeFile, line: Int) extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a VoidResponse.

  34. final case class DebugSetValueReq(loc: DebugLocation, newValue: String) extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Request to update a field value within the debugged VM.

  35. final case class DebugStackFrame(index: Int, locals: List[DebugStackLocal], numArgs: Int, className: String, methodName: String, pcLocation: LineSourcePosition, thisObjectId: DebugObjectId) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  36. final case class DebugStackLocal(index: Int, name: String, summary: String, typeName: String) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  37. final case class DebugStackSlot(threadId: DebugThreadId, frame: Int, offset: Int) extends DebugLocation with Product with Serializable

  38. final case class DebugStepEvent(threadId: DebugThreadId, threadName: String, file: EnsimeFile, line: Int) extends DebugEvent with Product with Serializable

    The debugged VM has stepped to a new location and is now paused awaiting control.

  39. final case class DebugStepOutReq(threadId: DebugThreadId) extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a FalseResponse or a TrueResponse.

  40. final case class DebugStepReq(threadId: DebugThreadId) extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a FalseResponse or a TrueResponse.

  41. final case class DebugStringInstance(summary: String, fields: List[DebugClassField], typeName: String, objectId: DebugObjectId) extends DebugValue with Product with Serializable

  42. final case class DebugThreadDeathEvent(threadId: DebugThreadId) extends DebugEvent with Product with Serializable

    A thread has died.

  43. final case class DebugThreadId(id: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    A debugger thread id.

  44. final case class DebugThreadStartEvent(threadId: DebugThreadId) extends DebugEvent with Product with Serializable

    A new thread has started.

  45. final case class DebugToStringReq(threadId: DebugThreadId, loc: DebugLocation) extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a StringResponse if successful, or FalseResponse.

  46. sealed trait DebugValue extends RpcResponse

  47. final case class DebugValueReq(loc: DebugLocation) extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a DebugValue if successful, or FalseResponse.

  48. final case class DebugVmError(errorCode: Int, details: String, status: String = "error") extends DebugVmStatus with Product with Serializable

  49. sealed trait DebugVmStatus extends RpcResponse

  50. final case class DebugVmSuccess(status: String = "success") extends DebugVmStatus with Product with Serializable

  51. sealed abstract class DeclaredAs extends AnyRef

  52. final case class DeleteFile(file: File, from: Int, to: Int, text: String) extends FileEdit with Product with Serializable

  53. final case class DocUriAtPointReq(file: Either[File, SourceFileInfo], point: OffsetRange) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a StringResponse for the URL of the documentation if valid, or FalseResponse.

  54. final case class EmptySourcePosition() extends SourcePosition with Product with Serializable

  55. final case class EnsimeConfig(rootDir: RawFile, cacheDir: RawFile, javaHome: RawFile, name: String, scalaVersion: String, compilerArgs: List[String], javaSources: List[RawFile], projects: List[EnsimeProject]) extends Product with Serializable

  56. sealed trait EnsimeEvent extends EnsimeServerMessage

    A message that the server can send to the client at any time.

  57. sealed trait EnsimeFile extends AnyRef

  58. final case class EnsimeImplementation(name: String) extends Product with Serializable

  59. final case class EnsimeProject(id: EnsimeProjectId, depends: List[EnsimeProjectId], sources: Set[RawFile], targets: Set[RawFile], scalacOptions: List[String], javacOptions: List[String], libraryJars: List[RawFile], librarySources: List[RawFile], libraryDocs: List[RawFile]) extends Product with Serializable

  60. final case class EnsimeProjectId(project: String, config: String) extends Product with Serializable

  61. final case class EnsimeServerConfig(config: RawFile, imports: ImportsConfig, shutDownOnDisconnect: Boolean, exit: Boolean, protocol: String, exitAfterIndex: Boolean, disableClassMonitoring: Boolean, legacy: LegacyConfig, indexBatchSize: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  62. final case class EnsimeServerError(description: String) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  63. sealed trait EnsimeServerMessage extends AnyRef

  64. sealed trait EntityInfo extends RpcResponse

  65. final case class ExpandMatchCasesDesc(file: File, start: Int, end: Int) extends RefactorDesc with Product with Serializable

  66. final case class ExpandSelectionReq(file: File, start: Int, end: Int) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a FileRange.

  67. final case class ExtractLocalRefactorDesc(name: String, file: File, start: Int, end: Int) extends RefactorDesc with Product with Serializable

  68. final case class ExtractMethodRefactorDesc(methodName: String, file: File, start: Int, end: Int) extends RefactorDesc with Product with Serializable

  69. sealed trait FileEdit extends Ordered[FileEdit]

  70. final case class FileRange(file: String, start: Int, end: Int) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  71. final case class FindHierarchy(fqn: String) extends RpcSearchRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with HierarchyInfo

  72. final case class FindUsages(fqn: String) extends RpcSearchRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with SourcePositions.

  73. final case class FqnOfSymbolAtPointReq(file: SourceFileInfo, point: Int) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with FullyQualifiedName

  74. final case class FqnOfTypeAtPointReq(file: SourceFileInfo, point: Int) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with FullyQualifiedName

  75. sealed trait GeneralSwankEvent extends EnsimeEvent

  76. final case class GreetingInfo(pid: Option[Int] = scala.None, implementation: EnsimeImplementation = ..., version: String = "1.9.6") extends EnsimeEvent with Product with Serializable

  77. final case class HierarchyInfo(ancestors: List[ClassInfo], inheritors: List[ClassInfo]) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  78. final case class HierarchyOfTypeAtPointReq(file: SourceFileInfo, point: Int) extends RpcRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with HierarchyInfo

  79. final case class ImplicitConversionInfo(start: Int, end: Int, fun: SymbolInfo) extends ImplicitInfo with Product with Serializable

  80. sealed trait ImplicitInfo extends AnyRef

  81. final case class ImplicitInfoReq(file: Either[File, SourceFileInfo], range: OffsetRange) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Request details about implicit conversions applied inside the given range.

  82. final case class ImplicitInfos(infos: List[ImplicitInfo]) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  83. final case class ImplicitParamInfo(start: Int, end: Int, fun: SymbolInfo, params: List[SymbolInfo], funIsImplicit: Boolean) extends ImplicitInfo with Product with Serializable

  84. final case class ImportSuggestions(symLists: List[List[SymbolSearchResult]]) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  85. final case class ImportSuggestionsReq(file: Either[File, SourceFileInfo], point: Int, names: List[String], maxResults: Int) extends RpcSearchRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with [ImportSuggestions].

  86. final case class ImportsConfig(locals: Boolean, strategy: String, groups: List[String], wildcards: Set[String], maxIndividualImports: Int, collapseExclude: Set[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  87. final case class InlineLocalRefactorDesc(file: File, start: Int, end: Int) extends RefactorDesc with Product with Serializable

  88. final case class InterfaceInfo(type: TypeInfo, viaView: Option[String]) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  89. final case class LegacyConfig(connectionInfoReq: Boolean, jarurls: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  90. sealed trait LegacyRawResponse extends RpcResponse

  91. final case class LineSourcePosition(file: EnsimeFile, line: Int) extends SourcePosition with Product with Serializable

  92. final case class MethodBytecode(className: String, methodName: String, methodSignature: Option[String], byteCode: List[Op], startLine: Int, endLine: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  93. final case class MethodSearchResult(name: String, localName: String, declAs: DeclaredAs, pos: Option[SourcePosition], ownerName: String) extends SymbolSearchResult with Product with Serializable

  94. final case class NamedTypeMemberInfo(name: String, type: TypeInfo, pos: Option[SourcePosition], signatureString: Option[String], declAs: DeclaredAs) extends EntityInfo with Product with Serializable

  95. final case class NewFile(file: File, from: Int, to: Int, text: String) extends FileEdit with Product with Serializable

  96. final case class NewJavaNotesEvent(isFull: Boolean, notes: List[Note]) extends GeneralSwankEvent with Product with Serializable

    The presentation compiler is providing notes: e.

  97. final case class NewScalaNotesEvent(isFull: Boolean, notes: List[Note]) extends GeneralSwankEvent with Product with Serializable

    The presentation compiler is providing notes: e.

  98. final case class Note(file: String, msg: String, severity: NoteSeverity, beg: Int, end: Int, line: Int, col: Int) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  99. sealed trait NoteSeverity extends AnyRef

  100. final case class OffsetRange(from: Int, to: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  101. final case class OffsetSourcePosition(file: EnsimeFile, offset: Int) extends SourcePosition with Product with Serializable

  102. final case class Op(op: String, description: String) extends Product with Serializable

  103. final case class OrganiseImportsRefactorDesc(file: File) extends RefactorDesc with Product with Serializable

  104. final case class PackageInfo(name: String, fullName: String, members: Seq[EntityInfo]) extends EntityInfo with Product with Serializable

  105. final case class ParamSectionInfo(params: Iterable[(String, TypeInfo)], isImplicit: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  106. final case class PatchDelete(start: Int, end: Int) extends PatchOp with Product with Serializable

  107. final case class PatchInsert(start: Int, text: String) extends PatchOp with Product with Serializable

  108. sealed trait PatchOp extends AnyRef

  109. final case class PatchReplace(start: Int, end: Int, text: String) extends PatchOp with Product with Serializable

  110. sealed trait PosNeeded extends AnyRef

  111. final case class PositionHint(position: SourcePosition, preview: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  112. final case class PublicSymbolSearchReq(keywords: List[String], maxResults: Int) extends RpcSearchRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with SymbolSearchResults.

  113. final case class RawFile(file: Path) extends EnsimeFile with Product with Serializable

  114. sealed abstract class RefactorDesc extends AnyRef

  115. final case class RefactorDiffEffect(procedureId: Int, refactorType: RefactorType, diff: File) extends RpcResponse with RefactorProcedure with Product with Serializable

  116. final case class RefactorFailure(procedureId: Int, reason: String, status: Symbol = scala.Symbol.apply("failure")) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  117. sealed abstract class RefactorLocation extends AnyRef

  118. trait RefactorProcedure extends AnyRef

  119. final case class RefactorReq(procId: Int, params: RefactorDesc, interactive: Boolean) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a RefactorFailure or a RefactorDiffEffect.

  120. sealed abstract class RefactorType extends AnyRef

  121. sealed trait ReloadStrategy extends AnyRef

  122. final case class RemoveFileReq(file: File) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Tell the Analyzer that this file has been deleted.

  123. final case class RenameRefactorDesc(newName: String, file: File, start: Int, end: Int) extends RefactorDesc with Product with Serializable

  124. case class RestartScalaCompilerReq(id: Option[EnsimeProjectId], strategy: ReloadStrategy) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Restart the scala presentation compiler for the given id, using the provided file loading strategy.

  125. sealed trait RpcAnalyserRequest extends RpcRequest

  126. sealed trait RpcDebuggerRequest extends RpcRequest

  127. sealed trait RpcRequest extends AnyRef

    All messages into the ENSIME server from the client are part of this family.

  128. final case class RpcRequestEnvelope(req: RpcRequest, callId: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  129. sealed trait RpcResponse extends EnsimeServerMessage

  130. final case class RpcResponseEnvelope(callId: Option[Int], payload: EnsimeServerMessage) extends Product with Serializable

    There should be exactly one RpcResponseEnvelope in response to an RpcRequestEnvelope.

  131. sealed trait RpcSearchRequest extends RpcRequest

  132. sealed trait RpcStartupRequest extends RpcRequest

  133. final case class SendBackgroundMessageEvent(detail: String, code: Int = 105) extends GeneralSwankEvent with Product with Serializable

    Generic background notification.

  134. final case class SourceFileInfo(file: EnsimeFile, contents: Option[String] = scala.None, contentsIn: Option[File] = scala.None, id: Option[EnsimeProjectId] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a source file that has a physical location (either a file or an archive entry) with (optional) up-to-date information in another file, or as a String.

  135. sealed trait SourcePosition extends RpcResponse

  136. final case class SourcePositions(positions: List[PositionHint]) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  137. sealed trait SourceSymbol extends AnyRef

  138. final case class StringResponse(text: String) extends LegacyRawResponse with Product with Serializable

  139. final case class StructureView(view: List[StructureViewMember]) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  140. final case class StructureViewMember(keyword: String, name: String, position: SourcePosition, members: List[StructureViewMember]) extends Product with Serializable

  141. final case class StructureViewReq(fileInfo: SourceFileInfo) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a StructureView.

  142. final case class SymbolAtPointReq(file: Either[File, SourceFileInfo], point: Int) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a SymbolInfo if valid, or FalseResponse.

  143. final case class SymbolDesignation(start: Int, end: Int, symType: SourceSymbol) extends Product with Serializable

  144. final case class SymbolDesignations(file: EnsimeFile, syms: List[SymbolDesignation]) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  145. final case class SymbolDesignationsReq(file: Either[File, SourceFileInfo], start: Int, end: Int, requestedTypes: List[SourceSymbol]) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Request the semantic classes of symbols in the given range.

  146. final case class SymbolInfo(name: String, localName: String, declPos: Option[SourcePosition], type: TypeInfo) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  147. sealed trait SymbolSearchResult extends RpcResponse

  148. final case class SymbolSearchResults(syms: List[SymbolSearchResult]) extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable

  149. final case class TextEdit(file: File, from: Int, to: Int, text: String) extends FileEdit with Product with Serializable

  150. final case class TypeAtPointReq(file: Either[File, SourceFileInfo], range: OffsetRange) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with TypeInfo if valid, or FalseResponse.

  151. sealed trait TypeInfo extends EntityInfo

  152. final case class TypeSearchResult(name: String, localName: String, declAs: DeclaredAs, pos: Option[SourcePosition]) extends SymbolSearchResult with Product with Serializable

  153. final case class TypecheckFileReq(fileInfo: SourceFileInfo) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a VoidResponse.

  154. final case class TypecheckFilesReq(files: List[Either[File, SourceFileInfo]]) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a VoidResponse.

  155. final case class TypecheckModule(moduleId: EnsimeProjectId) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Response with a VoidResponse.

  156. final case class UnloadFileReq(fileInfo: SourceFileInfo) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a VoidResponse

  157. final case class UnloadFilesReq(source: List[SourceFileInfo], remove: Boolean) extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Unload the given files from the compiler.

  158. final case class UsesOfSymbolAtPointReq(file: SourceFileInfo, point: Int) extends RpcRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with SourcePositions.

  159. class deprecating extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

    Indicates that something will be removed.

Value Members

  1. object AnalyzerReadyEvent extends GeneralSwankEvent with Product with Serializable

    @deprecating( detail = ... )
  2. object ClassSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  3. object ClearAllJavaNotesEvent extends GeneralSwankEvent with Product with Serializable

    The presentation compiler has invalidated all existing notes.

  4. object ClearAllScalaNotesEvent extends GeneralSwankEvent with Product with Serializable

    The presentation compiler has invalidated all existing notes.

  5. object CompilerRestartedEvent extends GeneralSwankEvent with Product with Serializable

    The presentation compiler was restarted.

  6. object ConnectionInfoReq extends RpcStartupRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a ConnectionInfo.

  7. object ConstructorSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  8. object DebugActiveVmReq extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Query whether we are in an active debug session Responds with a TrueResponse or a FalseResponse.

  9. object DebugClearAllBreaksReq extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a VoidResponse.

  10. object DebugListBreakpointsReq extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a BreakpointList.

  11. object DebugObjectId extends Serializable

  12. object DebugObjectReference extends Serializable

  13. object DebugRunReq extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a FalseResponse or a TrueResponse.

  14. object DebugStopReq extends RpcDebuggerRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a FalseResponse or a TrueResponse.

  15. object DebugThreadId extends Serializable

  16. object DebugVmDisconnectEvent extends DebugEvent with Product with Serializable

    The debugger has disconnected from the debugged VM.

  17. object DebugVmStartEvent extends DebugEvent with Product with Serializable

    The debugged VM has started.

  18. object DebuggerShutdownEvent extends Product with Serializable

  19. object DeclaredAs

  20. object DeleteFile extends Serializable

  21. object DeprecatedSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  22. object FalseResponse extends LegacyRawResponse with Product with Serializable

  23. object FullTypeCheckCompleteEvent extends GeneralSwankEvent with Product with Serializable

    @deprecating( detail = ... )
  24. object FunctionCallSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  25. object ImplicitConversionSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  26. object ImplicitParamsSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  27. object ImportedNameSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  28. object IndexerReadyEvent extends GeneralSwankEvent with Product with Serializable

    @deprecating( detail = ... )
  29. object NewFile extends Serializable

  30. object NoteError extends NoteSeverity with Product with Serializable

  31. object NoteInfo extends NoteSeverity with Product with Serializable

  32. object NoteSeverity

  33. object NoteWarn extends NoteSeverity with Product with Serializable

  34. object ObjectSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  35. object OffsetRange extends (Int, Int) ⇒ OffsetRange with Serializable

    @deprecating( detail = ... )
  36. object OperatorFieldSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  37. object PackageSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  38. object ParamSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  39. object PosNeededAvail extends PosNeeded with Product with Serializable

  40. object PosNeededNo extends PosNeeded with Product with Serializable

  41. object PosNeededYes extends PosNeeded with Product with Serializable

  42. object RefactorLocation

  43. object RefactorType

  44. object ReloadStrategy

  45. object SourceSymbol

  46. object TraitSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  47. object TrueResponse extends LegacyRawResponse with Product with Serializable

  48. object TypeParamSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  49. object UnloadAllReq extends RpcAnalyserRequest with Product with Serializable

    Responds with a VoidResponse.

  50. object ValFieldSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  51. object ValSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  52. object VarFieldSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  53. object VarSymbol extends SourceSymbol with Product with Serializable

  54. object VoidResponse extends RpcResponse with Product with Serializable
