

package fixture

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait EnsimeVFSFixture extends AnyRef

  2. trait IsolatedEnsimeVFSFixture extends Suite with EnsimeVFSFixture

  3. trait IsolatedTestKitFixture extends TestKitFixture

  4. trait SharedEnsimeVFSFixture extends Suite with EnsimeVFSFixture with BeforeAndAfterAll

    Provides the basic building blocks to build custom fixtures around a project that is cloned once for the test suite.

  5. trait SharedTestKitFixture extends TestKitFixture with BeforeAndAfterAll

  6. class TestKitFix extends TestKit with ImplicitSender

  7. trait TestKitFixture extends AnyRef

    Normally a TestKit will reuse the same actor system for all tests in a suite, but sometimes isolation of the system is needed on a per-test basis, this fixture adds support for that.
