Class Version

  • public class Version
    extends Object
    Administrative class to keep track of the version number.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Version

        public Version​(String productName,
                       String implementationLangugage,
                       int majorVersion,
                       int minorVersion,
                       int maintenanceVersion,
                       boolean developmentFlag)
        Default constructor.
        productName - product name.
        implementationLangugage - implementation language.
        majorVersion - major version.
        minorVersion - minor version.
        maintenanceVersion - maintenance version.
        developmentFlag - development indicator flag.
    • Method Detail

      • getVersionString

        public String getVersionString()
        Get the basic version string.
        String denoting current version
      • getProductName

        public String getProductName()
        Name of product: Xalan.
        product name.
      • getImplementationLanguage

        public String getImplementationLanguage()
        Implementation Language: Java.
        the implementation language.
      • getMajorVersion

        public int getMajorVersion()
        Major version number. This changes only when there is a significant, externally apparent enhancement from the previous release. 'n' represents the n'th version. Clients should carefully consider the implications of new versions as external interfaces and behaviour may have changed.
        major version.
      • getMinorVersion

        public int getMinorVersion()
        Minor vesion number. This changes when:
        • a new set of functionality is to be added
        • API or behaviour change
        • its designated as a reference release
        minor version.
      • getMaintenanceVersion

        public int getMaintenanceVersion()
        Maintenance version number. Optional identifier used to designate maintenance drop applied to a specific release and contains fixes for defects reported. It maintains compatibility with the release and contains no API changes. When missing, it designates the final and complete development drop for a release.
        maintenance version.
      • isDevelopmentVersion

        public boolean isDevelopmentVersion()
        Development flag. Development drops are works in progress towards a completed, final release. A specific development drop may not completely implement all aspects of a new feature, which may take several development drops to complete. At the point of the final drop for the release, the -SNAPSHOT suffix will be omitted.
        development version flag.