Class RPCChannel

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Channel, org.epics.pvdata.pv.Requester

    public class RPCChannel
    extends Object
    implements Channel
    • Method Detail

      • getProvider

        public ChannelProvider getProvider()
        Description copied from interface: Channel
        Get the the channel provider of this channel.
        Specified by:
        getProvider in interface Channel
        The channel provider.
      • getChannelName

        public String getChannelName()
        Description copied from interface: Channel
        Get the channel name.
        Specified by:
        getChannelName in interface Channel
        The name.
      • getRemoteAddress

        public String getRemoteAddress()
        Description copied from interface: Channel
        Returns the channel's remote address, e.g. "/" or "#C0 S1".
        Specified by:
        getRemoteAddress in interface Channel
        the channel's remote address.
      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Description copied from interface: Channel
        Destroy the channel. It will not honor any further requests.
        Specified by:
        destroy in interface Channel
      • isConnected

        public boolean isConnected()
        Description copied from interface: Channel
        Is the channel connected?
        Specified by:
        isConnected in interface Channel
        (false,true) means (not, is) connected.
      • createChannelRPC

        public ChannelRPC createChannelRPC​(ChannelRPCRequester channelRPCRequester,
                                           org.epics.pvdata.pv.PVStructure pvRequest)
        Description copied from interface: Channel
        Create a ChannelRPC (Remote Procedure Call).
        Specified by:
        createChannelRPC in interface Channel
        channelRPCRequester - The requester.
        pvRequest - Request options.
        ChannelRPC instance.
      • getAccessRights

        public AccessRights getAccessRights​(org.epics.pvdata.pv.PVField pvField)
        Description copied from interface: Channel
        Get the access rights for a field of a PVStructure created via a call to createPVStructure. MATEJ Channel access can store this info via auxInfo.
        Specified by:
        getAccessRights in interface Channel
        pvField - The field for which access rights is desired.
        The access rights.
      • getField

        public void getField​(GetFieldRequester requester,
                             String subField)
        Description copied from interface: Channel
        Get a Field which describes the subField. GetFieldRequester.getDone is called after both client and server have processed the getField request. This is for clients that want to introspect a PVRecord via channel access.
        Specified by:
        getField in interface Channel
        requester - The requester.
        subField - The name of the subField. If this is null or an empty string the returned Field is for the entire record.
      • createChannelProcess

        public ChannelProcess createChannelProcess​(ChannelProcessRequester channelProcessRequester,
                                                   org.epics.pvdata.pv.PVStructure pvRequest)
        Description copied from interface: Channel
        Create a ChannelProcess. ChannelProcessRequester.channelProcessReady is called after both client and server are ready for the client to make a process request.
        Specified by:
        createChannelProcess in interface Channel
        channelProcessRequester - The interface for notifying when this request is complete and when channel completes processing.
        pvRequest - Additional options (e.g. triggering).
        ChannelProcess instance.
      • createChannelGet

        public ChannelGet createChannelGet​(ChannelGetRequester channelGetRequester,
                                           org.epics.pvdata.pv.PVStructure pvRequest)
        Description copied from interface: Channel
        Create a ChannelGet. ChannelGetRequester.channelGetReady is called after both client and server are ready for the client to make a get request.
        Specified by:
        createChannelGet in interface Channel
        channelGetRequester - The interface for notifying when this request is complete and when a channel get completes.
        pvRequest - A structure describing the desired set of fields from the remote PVRecord. This has the same form as a pvRequest to PVCopyFactory.create.
        ChannelGet instance.
      • createChannelPut

        public ChannelPut createChannelPut​(ChannelPutRequester channelPutRequester,
                                           org.epics.pvdata.pv.PVStructure pvRequest)
        Description copied from interface: Channel
        Create a ChannelPut. ChannelPutRequester.channelPutReady is called after both client and server are ready for the client to make a put request.
        Specified by:
        createChannelPut in interface Channel
        channelPutRequester - The interface for notifying when this request is complete and when a channel get completes.
        pvRequest - A structure describing the desired set of fields from the remote PVRecord. This has the same form as a pvRequest to PVCopyFactory.create.
        ChannelPut instance.
      • createChannelPutGet

        public ChannelPutGet createChannelPutGet​(ChannelPutGetRequester channelPutGetRequester,
                                                 org.epics.pvdata.pv.PVStructure pvRequest)
        Description copied from interface: Channel
        Create a ChannelPutGet. ChannelPutGetRequester.channelPutGetReady is called after both client and server are ready for the client to make a putGet request.
        Specified by:
        createChannelPutGet in interface Channel
        channelPutGetRequester - The interface for notifying when this request is complete and when a channel get completes.
        pvRequest - A structure describing the desired set of fields from the remote PVRecord. This has the same form as a pvRequest to PVCopyFactory.create.
        ChannelPutGet instance.
      • createMonitor

        public org.epics.pvdata.monitor.Monitor createMonitor​(org.epics.pvdata.monitor.MonitorRequester monitorRequester,
                                                              org.epics.pvdata.pv.PVStructure pvRequest)
        Description copied from interface: Channel
        Create a Monitor.
        Specified by:
        createMonitor in interface Channel
        monitorRequester - The requester.
        pvRequest - A structure describing the desired set of fields from the remote PVRecord. This has the same form as a pvRequest to PVCopyFactory.create.
        Monitor instance.
      • createChannelArray

        public ChannelArray createChannelArray​(ChannelArrayRequester channelArrayRequester,
                                               org.epics.pvdata.pv.PVStructure pvRequest)
        Description copied from interface: Channel
        Create a ChannelArray.
        Specified by:
        createChannelArray in interface Channel
        channelArrayRequester - The ChannelArrayRequester
        pvRequest - Additional options (e.g. triggering).
        ChannelArray instance.
      • getRequesterName

        public String getRequesterName()
        Specified by:
        getRequesterName in interface org.epics.pvdata.pv.Requester
      • message

        public void message​(String message,
                            org.epics.pvdata.pv.MessageType messageType)
        Specified by:
        message in interface org.epics.pvdata.pv.Requester