Class MessagesApi


@Generated(value="org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date="2023-06-21T12:31:55.143247962Z[Etc/UTC]") public class MessagesApi extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • MessagesApi

      public MessagesApi(com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiClient apiClient)
  • Method Details

    • getApiClient

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiClient getApiClient()
      Get the API cilent
      API client
    • setApiClient

      public void setApiClient(com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiClient apiClient)
      Set the API cilent
      apiClient - an instance of API client
    • v1MessageIdGet

      public V4Message v1MessageIdGet(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, String id) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Get a message by ID
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      id - Message ID as a URL-safe string (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1MessageIdGetWithHttpInfo

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<V4Message> v1MessageIdGetWithHttpInfo(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, String id) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Get a message by ID
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      id - Message ID as a URL-safe string (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1MessageImportPost

      @Deprecated public List<ImportResponse> v1MessageImportPost(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, List<ImportedMessage> messageList) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Import messages from other systems into Symphony. Sends a message to be imported into the system. Allows you to override the timestamp and author of the message with your desired values. The requesting user must have the Content Management role. The user that the message is intended to have come from must also be present in the conversation. The intended message timestamp must be a valid time from the past. It cannot be a future timestamp.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      messageList - (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1MessageImportPostWithHttpInfo

      @Deprecated public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<List<ImportResponse>> v1MessageImportPostWithHttpInfo(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, List<ImportedMessage> messageList) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Import messages from other systems into Symphony. Sends a message to be imported into the system. Allows you to override the timestamp and author of the message with your desired values. The requesting user must have the Content Management role. The user that the message is intended to have come from must also be present in the conversation. The intended message timestamp must be a valid time from the past. It cannot be a future timestamp.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      messageList - (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1MessageSearchGet

      public List<V4Message> v1MessageSearchGet(String query, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Integer skip, Integer limit, String scope, String sortDir) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Search messages Search messages according to the specified criteria. The \"query\" parameter takes a search query defined as \"field:value\" pairs combined by the operator \"AND\" (e.g. \"text:foo AND autor:bar\"). Supported fields are (case-insensitive): \"text\", \"author\", \"hashtag\", \"cashtag\", \"mention\", \"signal\", \"fromDate\", \"toDate\", \"streamId\", \"streamType\". \"text\" search requires a \"streamId\" to be specified. \"streamType\" accepts one of the following values: \"chat\" (IMs and MIMs), \"im\", \"mim\", \"chatroom\", \"post\". \"signal\" queries can only be combined with \"fromDate\", \"toDate\", \"skip\" and \"limit\" parameters.
      query - The search query. See above for the query syntax. (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      skip - No. of results to skip. (optional)
      limit - Max no. of results to return. If no value is provided, 50 is the default. (optional)
      scope - Describes where content should be searched for that query. It can exclusively apply to Symphony content or to one Connector. (optional)
      sortDir - Messages sort direction : ASC or DESC (default to DESC) (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1MessageSearchGetWithHttpInfo

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<List<V4Message>> v1MessageSearchGetWithHttpInfo(String query, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Integer skip, Integer limit, String scope, String sortDir) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Search messages Search messages according to the specified criteria. The \"query\" parameter takes a search query defined as \"field:value\" pairs combined by the operator \"AND\" (e.g. \"text:foo AND autor:bar\"). Supported fields are (case-insensitive): \"text\", \"author\", \"hashtag\", \"cashtag\", \"mention\", \"signal\", \"fromDate\", \"toDate\", \"streamId\", \"streamType\". \"text\" search requires a \"streamId\" to be specified. \"streamType\" accepts one of the following values: \"chat\" (IMs and MIMs), \"im\", \"mim\", \"chatroom\", \"post\". \"signal\" queries can only be combined with \"fromDate\", \"toDate\", \"skip\" and \"limit\" parameters.
      query - The search query. See above for the query syntax. (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      skip - No. of results to skip. (optional)
      limit - Max no. of results to return. If no value is provided, 50 is the default. (optional)
      scope - Describes where content should be searched for that query. It can exclusively apply to Symphony content or to one Connector. (optional)
      sortDir - Messages sort direction : ASC or DESC (default to DESC) (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1MessageSearchPost

      public List<V4Message> v1MessageSearchPost(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, MessageSearchQuery query, Integer skip, Integer limit, String scope, String sortDir) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Search messages Search messages according to the specified criteria.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      query - The search query. See above for the query syntax. (required)
      skip - No. of results to skip. (optional)
      limit - Max no. of results to return. If no value is provided, 50 is the default. (optional)
      scope - Describes where content should be searched for that query. It can exclusively apply to Symphony content or to one Connector. (optional)
      sortDir - Messages sort direction : ASC or DESC (default to DESC) (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1MessageSearchPostWithHttpInfo

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<List<V4Message>> v1MessageSearchPostWithHttpInfo(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, MessageSearchQuery query, Integer skip, Integer limit, String scope, String sortDir) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Search messages Search messages according to the specified criteria.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      query - The search query. See above for the query syntax. (required)
      skip - No. of results to skip. (optional)
      limit - Max no. of results to return. If no value is provided, 50 is the default. (optional)
      scope - Describes where content should be searched for that query. It can exclusively apply to Symphony content or to one Connector. (optional)
      sortDir - Messages sort direction : ASC or DESC (default to DESC) (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1StreamSidMessageCreatePost

      @Deprecated public Message v1StreamSidMessageCreatePost(String sid, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, MessageSubmission message) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Post a message to one existing stream. Post a new message to the given stream. The stream can be a chatroom, an IM or a multiparty IM. If the message parameter type is TEXT then the message contains plain text and cannot include formating, hash tags, mentions etc. If the message parameter type is MessageML then the message contains MessageML which allows for these entities. If the message is in MessageML and fails schema validation a client error results If the message is sent then 200 is returned.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      message - (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1StreamSidMessageCreatePostWithHttpInfo

      @Deprecated public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<Message> v1StreamSidMessageCreatePostWithHttpInfo(String sid, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, MessageSubmission message) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Post a message to one existing stream. Post a new message to the given stream. The stream can be a chatroom, an IM or a multiparty IM. If the message parameter type is TEXT then the message contains plain text and cannot include formating, hash tags, mentions etc. If the message parameter type is MessageML then the message contains MessageML which allows for these entities. If the message is in MessageML and fails schema validation a client error results If the message is sent then 200 is returned.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      message - (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1StreamSidMessageGet

      @Deprecated public List<Message> v1StreamSidMessageGet(String sid, Long since, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Integer offset, Integer maxMessages) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Get messages from an existing stream. A caller can fetch all unseen messages by passing the timestamp of the last message seen as the since parameter and the number of messages with the same timestamp value already seen as the skip parameter. This means that every message will be seen exactly once even in the case that an additional message is processed with the same timestamp as the last message returned by the previous call, and the case where there are more than maxMessages with the same timestamp value. This method is intended for historic queries and is generally reliable but if guaranteed delivery of every message in real time is required then the equivilent firehose method should be called.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      since - Timestamp of first required message. This is a long integer value representing milliseconds since Jan 1 1970 (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      offset - No. of messages to skip. (optional)
      maxMessages - Max No. of messages to return. If no value is provided, 50 is the default. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v1StreamSidMessageGetWithHttpInfo

      @Deprecated public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<List<Message>> v1StreamSidMessageGetWithHttpInfo(String sid, Long since, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Integer offset, Integer maxMessages) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Get messages from an existing stream. A caller can fetch all unseen messages by passing the timestamp of the last message seen as the since parameter and the number of messages with the same timestamp value already seen as the skip parameter. This means that every message will be seen exactly once even in the case that an additional message is processed with the same timestamp as the last message returned by the previous call, and the case where there are more than maxMessages with the same timestamp value. This method is intended for historic queries and is generally reliable but if guaranteed delivery of every message in real time is required then the equivilent firehose method should be called.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      since - Timestamp of first required message. This is a long integer value representing milliseconds since Jan 1 1970 (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      offset - No. of messages to skip. (optional)
      maxMessages - Max No. of messages to return. If no value is provided, 50 is the default. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v2MessageImportPost

      @Deprecated public List<V2ImportResponse> v2MessageImportPost(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, List<V2ImportedMessage> messageList) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Import messages from other systems into Symphony. Sends a message to be imported into the system. Allows you to override the timestamp and author of the message with your desired values. The requesting user must have the Content Management role. The user that the message is intended to have come from must also be present in the conversation. The intended message timestamp must be a valid time from the past. It cannot be a future timestamp. Optionally the original message ID can be specified to identify the imported message for the purpose of repeat imports.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      messageList - (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v2MessageImportPostWithHttpInfo

      @Deprecated public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<List<V2ImportResponse>> v2MessageImportPostWithHttpInfo(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, List<V2ImportedMessage> messageList) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Import messages from other systems into Symphony. Sends a message to be imported into the system. Allows you to override the timestamp and author of the message with your desired values. The requesting user must have the Content Management role. The user that the message is intended to have come from must also be present in the conversation. The intended message timestamp must be a valid time from the past. It cannot be a future timestamp. Optionally the original message ID can be specified to identify the imported message for the purpose of repeat imports.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      messageList - (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v2StreamSidMessageCreatePost

      @Deprecated public V2Message v2StreamSidMessageCreatePost(String sid, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, V2MessageSubmission message) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Post a message to one existing stream. Post a new message to the given stream. The stream can be a chatroom, an IM or a multiparty IM. You may include an attachment on the message (see the V2MessageSubmission parameter). If the message parameter type is TEXT then the message contains plain text and cannot include formating, hash tags, mentions etc. If the message parameter type is MessageML then the message contains MessageML which allows for these entities. If the message is in MessageML and fails schema validation a client error results If the message is sent then 200 is returned.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      message - (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v2StreamSidMessageCreatePostWithHttpInfo

      @Deprecated public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<V2Message> v2StreamSidMessageCreatePostWithHttpInfo(String sid, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, V2MessageSubmission message) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Post a message to one existing stream. Post a new message to the given stream. The stream can be a chatroom, an IM or a multiparty IM. You may include an attachment on the message (see the V2MessageSubmission parameter). If the message parameter type is TEXT then the message contains plain text and cannot include formating, hash tags, mentions etc. If the message parameter type is MessageML then the message contains MessageML which allows for these entities. If the message is in MessageML and fails schema validation a client error results If the message is sent then 200 is returned.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      message - (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v2StreamSidMessageGet

      @Deprecated public List<V2BaseMessage> v2StreamSidMessageGet(String sid, Long since, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Integer offset, Integer limit) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Get messages from an existing stream. A caller can fetch all unseen messages by passing the timestamp of the last message seen as the since parameter and the number of messages with the same timestamp value already seen as the skip parameter. This means that every message will be seen exactly once even in the case that an additional message is processed with the same timestamp as the last message returned by the previous call, and the case where there are more than maxMessages with the same timestamp value. This method is intended for historic queries and is generally reliable but if guaranteed delivery of every message in real time is required then the equivilent firehose method should be called.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      since - Timestamp of first required message. This is a long integer value representing milliseconds since Jan 1 1970 (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      offset - No. of messages to skip. (optional)
      limit - Max No. of messages to return. If no value is provided, 50 is the default. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v2StreamSidMessageGetWithHttpInfo

      @Deprecated public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<List<V2BaseMessage>> v2StreamSidMessageGetWithHttpInfo(String sid, Long since, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Integer offset, Integer limit) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Get messages from an existing stream. A caller can fetch all unseen messages by passing the timestamp of the last message seen as the since parameter and the number of messages with the same timestamp value already seen as the skip parameter. This means that every message will be seen exactly once even in the case that an additional message is processed with the same timestamp as the last message returned by the previous call, and the case where there are more than maxMessages with the same timestamp value. This method is intended for historic queries and is generally reliable but if guaranteed delivery of every message in real time is required then the equivilent firehose method should be called.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      since - Timestamp of first required message. This is a long integer value representing milliseconds since Jan 1 1970 (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      offset - No. of messages to skip. (optional)
      limit - Max No. of messages to return. If no value is provided, 50 is the default. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v3StreamSidMessageCreatePost

      @Deprecated public V2Message v3StreamSidMessageCreatePost(String sid, String sessionToken, V2MessageSubmission message, String keyManagerToken) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      PROVISIONAL - Post a message to one existing stream. Post a new message to the given stream. The stream can be a chatroom, an IM or a multiparty IM. You may include an attachment on the message (see the V2MessageSubmission parameter). If the message parameter type is TEXT then the message contains plain text and cannot include formating, hash tags, mentions etc. If the message parameter type is MessageML then the message contains MessageML which allows for these entities. If the message is in MessageML and fails schema validation a client error results If the message is sent then 200 is returned. Regarding authentication, you must either use the sessionToken which was created for delegated app access or both the sessionToken and keyManagerToken together.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      sessionToken - Authorization token used to make delegated calls. (required)
      message - (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v3StreamSidMessageCreatePostWithHttpInfo

      @Deprecated public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<V2Message> v3StreamSidMessageCreatePostWithHttpInfo(String sid, String sessionToken, V2MessageSubmission message, String keyManagerToken) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      PROVISIONAL - Post a message to one existing stream. Post a new message to the given stream. The stream can be a chatroom, an IM or a multiparty IM. You may include an attachment on the message (see the V2MessageSubmission parameter). If the message parameter type is TEXT then the message contains plain text and cannot include formating, hash tags, mentions etc. If the message parameter type is MessageML then the message contains MessageML which allows for these entities. If the message is in MessageML and fails schema validation a client error results If the message is sent then 200 is returned. Regarding authentication, you must either use the sessionToken which was created for delegated app access or both the sessionToken and keyManagerToken together.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      sessionToken - Authorization token used to make delegated calls. (required)
      message - (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v4MessageBlastPost

      public V4MessageBlastResponse v4MessageBlastPost(String sessionToken, List<String> sids, String keyManagerToken, String message, String data, String version, File attachment, File preview) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Post a message to multiple existing streams. Post a new message to the given list of streams. The stream can be a chatroom, an IM or a multiparty IM. You may include an attachment on the message. The message can be provided as MessageMLV2 or PresentationML. Both formats support Freemarker templates. The optional parameter \"data\" can be used to provide a JSON payload containing entity data. If the message contains explicit references to entity data (in \"data-entity-id\" element attributes), this parameter is required. If the message is in MessageML and fails schema validation a client error results This endpoint is idempotent, it means that a 200 response will be returned even if the message has not been delivered to some streams. Check the `errors` map from the response in order to see on which stream(s) the message has not been delivered. The maximum number of streams where the message can be sent is limitted to 100. Regarding authentication, you must either use the sessionToken which was created for delegated app access or both the sessionToken and keyManagerToken together.
      sessionToken - Authorization token used to make delegated calls. (required)
      sids - A comma-separated list of Stream IDs (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (optional)
      message - The message payload in MessageML. (optional)
      data - Optional message data in EntityJSON. (optional)
      version - Optional message version in the format \\\"major.minor\\\". If empty, defaults to the latest supported version. (optional)
      attachment - Optional file attachment. (optional)
      preview - Optional attachment preview. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v4MessageBlastPostWithHttpInfo

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<V4MessageBlastResponse> v4MessageBlastPostWithHttpInfo(String sessionToken, List<String> sids, String keyManagerToken, String message, String data, String version, File attachment, File preview) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Post a message to multiple existing streams. Post a new message to the given list of streams. The stream can be a chatroom, an IM or a multiparty IM. You may include an attachment on the message. The message can be provided as MessageMLV2 or PresentationML. Both formats support Freemarker templates. The optional parameter \"data\" can be used to provide a JSON payload containing entity data. If the message contains explicit references to entity data (in \"data-entity-id\" element attributes), this parameter is required. If the message is in MessageML and fails schema validation a client error results This endpoint is idempotent, it means that a 200 response will be returned even if the message has not been delivered to some streams. Check the `errors` map from the response in order to see on which stream(s) the message has not been delivered. The maximum number of streams where the message can be sent is limitted to 100. Regarding authentication, you must either use the sessionToken which was created for delegated app access or both the sessionToken and keyManagerToken together.
      sessionToken - Authorization token used to make delegated calls. (required)
      sids - A comma-separated list of Stream IDs (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (optional)
      message - The message payload in MessageML. (optional)
      data - Optional message data in EntityJSON. (optional)
      version - Optional message version in the format \\\"major.minor\\\". If empty, defaults to the latest supported version. (optional)
      attachment - Optional file attachment. (optional)
      preview - Optional attachment preview. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v4MessageImportPost

      public List<V4ImportResponse> v4MessageImportPost(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, List<V4ImportedMessage> messageList) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Import messages from other systems into Symphony. Sends a message to be imported into the system. Allows you to override the timestamp and author of the message with your desired values. The requesting user must have the Content Management role. The user that the message is intended to have come from must also be present in the conversation. The intended message timestamp must be a valid time from the past. It cannot be a future timestamp. Optionally the original message ID can be specified to identify the imported message for the purpose of repeat imports.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      messageList - (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v4MessageImportPostWithHttpInfo

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<List<V4ImportResponse>> v4MessageImportPostWithHttpInfo(String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, List<V4ImportedMessage> messageList) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Import messages from other systems into Symphony. Sends a message to be imported into the system. Allows you to override the timestamp and author of the message with your desired values. The requesting user must have the Content Management role. The user that the message is intended to have come from must also be present in the conversation. The intended message timestamp must be a valid time from the past. It cannot be a future timestamp. Optionally the original message ID can be specified to identify the imported message for the purpose of repeat imports.
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      messageList - (required)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v4StreamSidMessageCreatePost

      public V4Message v4StreamSidMessageCreatePost(String sid, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, String message, String data, String version, File attachment, File preview) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Post a message to one existing stream. Post a new message to the given stream. The stream can be a chatroom,,an IM or a multiparty IM. You may include an attachment on the message. The message can be provided as MessageMLV2 or PresentationML. Both formats support Freemarker templates. The optional parameter \"data\" can be used to provide a JSON payload containing entity data. If the message contains explicit references to entity data (in \"data-entity-id\" element attributes), this parameter is required. If the message is in MessageML and fails schema validation a client error will be returned. If the message is sent then 200 is returned. Regarding authentication, you must either use the sessionToken which was created for delegated app access or both the sessionToken and keyManagerToken together.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      sessionToken - Authorization token used to make delegated calls. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (optional)
      message - The message payload in MessageML. (optional)
      data - Optional message data in EntityJSON. (optional)
      version - Optional message version in the format \\\"major.minor\\\". If empty, defaults to the latest supported version. (optional)
      attachment - Optional file attachment. (optional)
      preview - Optional attachment preview. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v4StreamSidMessageCreatePostWithHttpInfo

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<V4Message> v4StreamSidMessageCreatePostWithHttpInfo(String sid, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, String message, String data, String version, File attachment, File preview) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Post a message to one existing stream. Post a new message to the given stream. The stream can be a chatroom,,an IM or a multiparty IM. You may include an attachment on the message. The message can be provided as MessageMLV2 or PresentationML. Both formats support Freemarker templates. The optional parameter \"data\" can be used to provide a JSON payload containing entity data. If the message contains explicit references to entity data (in \"data-entity-id\" element attributes), this parameter is required. If the message is in MessageML and fails schema validation a client error will be returned. If the message is sent then 200 is returned. Regarding authentication, you must either use the sessionToken which was created for delegated app access or both the sessionToken and keyManagerToken together.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      sessionToken - Authorization token used to make delegated calls. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (optional)
      message - The message payload in MessageML. (optional)
      data - Optional message data in EntityJSON. (optional)
      version - Optional message version in the format \\\"major.minor\\\". If empty, defaults to the latest supported version. (optional)
      attachment - Optional file attachment. (optional)
      preview - Optional attachment preview. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v4StreamSidMessageGet

      public List<V4Message> v4StreamSidMessageGet(String sid, Long since, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Integer skip, Integer limit) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Get messages from an existing stream. A caller can fetch all unseen messages by passing the timestamp of the last message seen as the since parameter and the number of messages with the same timestamp value already seen as the skip parameter. This means that every message will be seen exactly once even in the case that an additional message is processed with the same timestamp as the last message returned by the previous call, and the case where there are more than maxMessages with the same timestamp value. This method is intended for historic queries and is generally reliable but if guaranteed delivery of every message in real time is required then the equivilent firehose method should be called.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      since - Timestamp of first required message. This is a long integer value representing milliseconds since Jan 1 1970 (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      skip - No. of messages to skip. (optional)
      limit - Max No. of messages to return. If no value is provided, 50 is the default. The maximum supported value is 500. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v4StreamSidMessageGetWithHttpInfo

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<List<V4Message>> v4StreamSidMessageGetWithHttpInfo(String sid, Long since, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, Integer skip, Integer limit) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Get messages from an existing stream. A caller can fetch all unseen messages by passing the timestamp of the last message seen as the since parameter and the number of messages with the same timestamp value already seen as the skip parameter. This means that every message will be seen exactly once even in the case that an additional message is processed with the same timestamp as the last message returned by the previous call, and the case where there are more than maxMessages with the same timestamp value. This method is intended for historic queries and is generally reliable but if guaranteed delivery of every message in real time is required then the equivilent firehose method should be called.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      since - Timestamp of first required message. This is a long integer value representing milliseconds since Jan 1 1970 (required)
      sessionToken - Session authentication token. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (required)
      skip - No. of messages to skip. (optional)
      limit - Max No. of messages to return. If no value is provided, 50 is the default. The maximum supported value is 500. (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v4StreamSidMessageMidUpdatePost

      public V4Message v4StreamSidMessageMidUpdatePost(String sid, String mid, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, String message, String data, String version, String silent) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Update an existing message. Update an existing message. The existing message must be a valid social message, that has not been deleted. The message can be provided as MessageMLV2 or PresentationML. Both formats support Freemarker templates. The optional parameter \"data\" can be used to provide a JSON payload containing entity data. If the message contains explicit references to entity data (in \"data-entity-id\" element attributes), this parameter is required. If the message is in MessageML and fails schema validation a client error results If the message is updated then 200 is returned. Regarding authentication, you must either use the sessionToken which was created for delegated app access or both the sessionToken and keyManagerToken together.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      mid - Parent message ID (required)
      sessionToken - Authorization token used to make delegated calls. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (optional)
      message - The message payload in MessageML. (optional)
      data - Optional message data in EntityJSON. (optional)
      version - Optional message version in the format \\\"major.minor\\\". If empty, defaults to the latest supported version. (optional)
      silent - Optional boolean field that will determine if the user/s should receive the message as read or not (true by default) (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call
    • v4StreamSidMessageMidUpdatePostWithHttpInfo

      public com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiResponse<V4Message> v4StreamSidMessageMidUpdatePostWithHttpInfo(String sid, String mid, String sessionToken, String keyManagerToken, String message, String data, String version, String silent) throws com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException
      Update an existing message. Update an existing message. The existing message must be a valid social message, that has not been deleted. The message can be provided as MessageMLV2 or PresentationML. Both formats support Freemarker templates. The optional parameter \"data\" can be used to provide a JSON payload containing entity data. If the message contains explicit references to entity data (in \"data-entity-id\" element attributes), this parameter is required. If the message is in MessageML and fails schema validation a client error results If the message is updated then 200 is returned. Regarding authentication, you must either use the sessionToken which was created for delegated app access or both the sessionToken and keyManagerToken together.
      sid - Stream ID (required)
      mid - Parent message ID (required)
      sessionToken - Authorization token used to make delegated calls. (required)
      keyManagerToken - Key Manager authentication token. (optional)
      message - The message payload in MessageML. (optional)
      data - Optional message data in EntityJSON. (optional)
      version - Optional message version in the format \\\"major.minor\\\". If empty, defaults to the latest supported version. (optional)
      silent - Optional boolean field that will determine if the user/s should receive the message as read or not (true by default) (optional)
      com.symphony.bdk.http.api.ApiException - if fails to make API call